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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Alternate (played anonymously)

She just kinda stared at Mathius, not trying to be creepy, just kinda.. there, she was a sore thumb, no darkness to watch people from-
She seemed to be calm, still her brain was trying to comprehend the situation with Ryota-
Alternate wrote:
She honestly didnt know what as curse was, but for a moment her face changed into his warping slowly.. until it was all deformed.. and then she went back to pitch black.. I guess she understood his wishes, and decided to keep to herself looking around

He spoke directly into the alternates mind "you will behave here. I know who you are and where you came from. I've seen everything you're capable of"

He was in the kitchen cooking.
Alternate (played anonymously)

She nodded, understanding "I have no intent to harm anyone or anything, Im just exploring" she said, having appeared in the kitchen.. staring at Wish.. who kinda just stared back with that same curious look
Kickback (played by randomentity777)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Excuse me, I need some soil dug up and tilled. Would you be willing to take payment in order to do it?"

"Well, Insecticons will eat just about anything, so if you're willing to pay me in timber, sheet metal, and wheat, then I'll do it for you."
Alternate wrote:
She nodded, understanding "I have no intent to harm anyone or anything, Im just exploring" she said, having appeared in the kitchen.. staring at Wish.. who kinda just stared back with that same curious look

He smiled at her before going to her and squishing her cheeks "such a little cutie"
Kickback wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Excuse me, I need some soil dug up and tilled. Would you be willing to take payment in order to do it?"

"Well, Insecticons will eat just about anything, so if you're willing to pay me in timber, sheet metal, and wheat, then I'll do it for you."

"I have some old flour, corn husks, and old pans..."
Alternate (played anonymously)

The Alternate seemed to show gratitude for the compliment.. but its hard to tell how shes feeling when she doesnt have a face and isnt moving all that much-
Kickback (played by randomentity777)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"I have some old flour, corn husks, and old pans..."

"Great. Where do you want me to start?"
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino would then be in the kitchen, making pizza as always but, with a side of clones. You see, Fake Peppino has an ability to make clones of himself. I mean, look at this clean example between these two sprites from Pizza Tower.

Kickback wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"I have some old flour, corn husks, and old pans..."

"Great. Where do you want me to start?"

"In the back behind the bar where I have the garden marked"
Alternate (played anonymously)

The Alternate was basically still staring down the people in the bar, she thought it comfortable, at least she wasnt met with gunshots or threats
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Suddenly, two of Fake Peppino's clones gets into a argument, debating if they should pineapple on Pizza. (god why did i mention this.) Fake Peppino however just whacks the clones with a rolling pin.

"Clones, Pineapple doesn't even belong on a pizza. Peppino only SAVES it to get a P rank!"
Alternate (played anonymously)

The Alternate just muttered.. " Tamto Sauce" thats all she has to say about pizza and spaghetti... seriously she really likes tomato sauce despite not really needing to eat-
Malvolio Twins (played anonymously)

The two brothers ran into the bar. Or rather, one of them quickly and the other extremely behind. "Slow down, Marius!" Sangre gasped, struggling to catch his breath.

Sangre looked around, "Should.. we even be here?" He quietly asked Marius. "It's fine, that idiot will realize we're gone!" Marius giggled.

"Hey, don't call our tutor an idiot, he's very smart." Sangre weakly whined.

Marius seemed to be bright and healthy, while Sangre seemed to be sick at the moment, his eyes rimmed with red and appearing to be weak.
Alternate (played anonymously)

Alternate kinda just appeared behind them closing the door, she was actually quite warry of children, scared seeing her would cause them to dream up an Alternate

She kinda just hid behind the counter after closing their door
"Peppino.....make those two children that came in a fresh pizza" He said with a smile
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino holds a thumbs up, but he's not sure about his clones though... They're stull fighting over the debate they brought up, aka pineapple on pizza.
Malvolio Twins (played anonymously)

Sangre wrapped his arms around Marius in a tired fashion and coughed.

Marius glanced at him, "Are you doing okay? We can sit down if you want."

Sangre smiled weakly, "No. I'm okay, Marius. It's just a little cough."

Marius frowned, "But you still have a small fever. I can feel it." He put his hand on his twin's forehead.

"It's okay, Marius." Sangre replied.
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino then slaps his clones to their senses. After about 30 seconds of discussing, they finally started making the pizza. WITHOUT pineapple because we all know what pineapple on pizza tastes like :/
Alternate (played anonymously)

The Alternate kinda just watched him talk to himself.. she didnt understand it.. but she couldnt judge anyone-

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