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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

(( Sorry for such a late response, I smacked that post up there and fell asleep :P ))
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

If looking closely, there is a teenage boy in the rafters, sitting, watching.
What does he want?
Alternate (played anonymously)

The Alternate wasnt there, appearing next to the boy in seconds, her head oddly deforming, as if to terrify him by the human figure so oddly deformed.. still shes pitch black so its just kinda weird to look at
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict peered to the being, startled, but didn't make a noise or fall off the rafters.
Instead, he just shooed her, baring his fangs.
Alternate (played anonymously)

She settles down, as she already promised not to make trouble, she formed back into that pitch black woman, her eyes shifted around for a moment before she turns into Benedict himself, it was like a Tv cut, one second she was formless, the next she was him "I agreed not to cause problems.. you should too"
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict stared, a damned shapeshifter, she was..
He suddenly disappeared within his cloak.. or did he?

It seemed there was a small, fuzzy bat now sitting on the counter.
Alternate (played anonymously)

She seemed happy with her work, as she would return to her spot behind the counter,
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

The small, fuzzy bat curled up in a ball on the counter.
Alternate (played anonymously)

She kinda just stared at it.. before poking the bat, shes actually never seen one so she seemed wary at the moment
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

The bat squeaked and then attempted to bite Alternate's finger, but barely missed and smacked his face on the counter instead.

He fluttered his wings and flew off of the counter, turning back into the boy from the rafters. He sighed and straightened his cloak out, mumbling to himself.
Alternate (played anonymously)

She would've look sad.. if she had a face-

"Come back down" she said in his voice
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict stuck his tongue out, which seemed to look more as a bat's rather than a human's.
He glanced around the bar, was it possible that this boy, was a vampire, and he was seeking someone to suck blood from?
Sunny Bramblestride (played by Reithesniper)

Lucky Viktor, a while Sunny appears, the overly excited boyo ran about the bar.. he seemed very carefree and was saying something about getting a gold medeal
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict noticed Sunny and his eyes locked onto him, watching him. This would be a good chance for blood.
His eyes narrowed and a confident smirk appeared on his face. He returned to the bat form, the tiny, fuzzy bat that looked pretty harmless, and flew down onto Sunny's shoulder with a squeak.
Sunny Bramblestride (played by Reithesniper)

Sunny suddenly looked at Benedict... before squealing and grabbing the bat with a gentle head "Look at the lil guy!" He said rubbing his head with his fingers
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict had to resist biting him right then when he was grabbed. He was going to try and escape, but the head pets were actually pretty neat.

Eventually, he squeaked again, beginning to squirm around, trying to get out of Sunny's grasp so he could hurry up and transform back and suck this naive boy's blood before anyone else in the bar could notice.
Sunny Bramblestride (played by Reithesniper)

He eventhally let the bat go, sitting it on a table "Silly lil guy <3"
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

The bat, then turned back into a boy. Benedict grabbed him and yanked him close, saying something underneath his breath that sounded a bit like fool.

He bared his teeth, preparing to try and bite Sunny.
Sunny Bramblestride (played by Reithesniper)

Honestly Sunny couldve defended himself, but instead they kinda accepted their fate.. kidding bro just shoved his red wood wand into the boys mouth before headbutting him.. "Im not a fool!-" he said.. honestly sounding childish
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)


It happened in a split second, much like a blur, Benedict felt the wand shoved in his mouth, and then soon the impact of Sunny headbutting him, and he fell over onto his back, his eyes wide, not even entirely sure what had just happened.

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