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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Sunny Bramblestride (played by Reithesniper)

He picked up his wand.. looking at Wish.. who approved mostly "Woopsie.. maybe I was a little to hard on him?" He said "Hey, that didnt like kill you right?-"
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Feeling her usual self, Natasha goes around the bar to wipe down the countertops of the bar and shine the tables. Her shoulder speaker tuned to her ears, singing as she works, "You are, the piece of me. I wish, I didn't need~." Humming and swaying as well.
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict was pretty dizzy, but he sat up, grasping his head. "Bloody hell.." Benedict whined quietly, still confused on what exactly happened.
Sunny Bramblestride (played by Reithesniper)

"Oh your ok?" They poked Benedict with their wand "What was that about?"
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict was poked by said wand. Benedict narrowed his eyes, looking at Sunny.
He seemed awfully annoyed he didn't get any blood. He stood up, stumbled for a second, hand still on his head.

Maybe Sunny wasn't as naive as Benedict had thought. A quiet mumble, a sorry perhaps, escaped Benedict's lungs.
Sunny Bramblestride (played by Reithesniper)

"Dont apologize" they said, flexing "I just happen to be very strong, you probably werent expecting it, I still just wanna know what all that was about-"
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict stared, then rolled his eyes at the flexing. "I'm a vampire, idiot, I need blood in-order to survive."
He then looked away and angrily whined, "I'm starving."
Sunny Bramblestride (played by Reithesniper)

"Oh.. I could help you with that-" fights breakout out often and blood is a common in those magic battles, they offered their arm "Take a bit I dont bite."
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict was confused at the gesture.
He looked at their arm and frowned, even more confused. "But you just headbutted me over trying to bite you-"

Benedict then grasped at his stomach, taking notice to how hungry he was, yet again, "But I'm not going to decline." He stated, baring his teeth, before suddenly sinking them into Sunny's arm.
Sunny Bramblestride (played by Reithesniper)

They shrugged "Well I didnt know you were a vampire, nor that you were hungry " he shrugged
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict sucked enough blood to last him at least a hour or two, then took his teeth out of Sunny's arm and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "So, you know magic." He looked at the wand.
Sunny Bramblestride (played by Reithesniper)

"Yes, I use Wood Magic" they said "Its my personal magic, I mostly rely on physical strikes because wood isnt as powerful as persay, stone or most crystals" they sais
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict shuddered. He recalled one time someone trying to stab him with a wooden stake. They missed, but it still was pretty scary.
Kickback (played by randomentity777)

Kickback buzzes back into the bar. "Job's done."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

The mercenary returns to the bar, but with a genuine grin instead of the maniacal one she usually dons. A young boy around the age of 7 squeezes her hand. Her son looks almost identical to his mother expect for his nose and onyx eyes. The boy held more power than he knows. As he is one of the very few people Claude had absolutely no malice intentions for.

"Cá, stay close." Claude did her routine of unloading her weapons into the weapon box. Dennis, her son, pulled out her brass knuckles from her pockets and placed them into the weapon bin. "Thank you, Cá", she said as she ruffled the boy's hair.
Alternate (played anonymously)

The Alternate kinda just stared at the child.. she wasnt meaning to be scary, she honestly wanted to say hi but kids mostly spook her out, so maybe she'll say hi to the parent? So she sunk behind the counter, trying not to be seen-
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

Cigil curiously peered around the bar, taking in the different scenery around her. She wasn't very knowing about these types of places...and had only come because she heard this one was special. Cici witnessed the woman and child entering just before her. Was this a place you took a child?

Cigil took a deep breath trotting in behind Claude. The woman thought she noticed someone else- Alternate-slink behind the counter. Maybe they were shy and unfamiliar with bars like herself?

Cigil decided to speak to Claude first, the woman clearing her throat before producing an awkward smile. "How old is he?" Cigil asked, clutching a sketchbook to her chest. "Does drawing too? I can offer him a page." Cigil peaked back to the counter where Alternate hid. "I heard drawing is a good way to make friends." The woman stated, hoping maybe her words reached the shy friend who was hiding.
Alternate (played anonymously)

"Drawing" the alternate repeated in in Cigils Voice.. she stood up.. going to a closet.. she was accompanied by Wish to keep her from getting lost or knocking something over
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"I'm 7, and I don't like drawing", the young boy spoke sternly. Claude cleared her throat. "Thank you anyways", Dennis said before following his mother to a booth.
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict noticed there were a lot of people around, so he turned into a tiny, fuzzy bat and flew to sit on a windowsil and watch from afar.

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