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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

Cigil heaved a defeated sigh but offered Claude a smile in return before she decided to venture up to the bar. As guessed, she didn't know anyone here. Nevertheless the wlman kept her eyes forward, and sat in a peaceful corner and began to doodle in her sketchbook. A bat in the window caught her interest, so she decided to draw a machine ofcourse. She continued to look at it as she drew.
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict squeaked, trying to get Cigil's attention.
If she would look at him, he'd would flutter his wings and squeak again. If not, he would leave her alone.
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

She could hear the squeaking and her attention was definitely grabbed. Her blue eyes blinked slowly, "Yes? You are...speaking to me?"
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict flew off of the window and landed nearby Cigil, wiggling his little bat snout.
He looked at the notebook curiously, before sniffing it.
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

The woman immediatly perked up at the attention. She'd never spoken witha bat before. Perhaps it was friendly like all the fishes she knew? "Do you like drawing maybe?" For a moment she considered handing the bat her pencil. Maybe that wasn't the best idea...

Therefore she began to turn the pages. "I uh...I'm into machines." She said with a small laugh. Here she was chatting with a bat when she really wanted to try being social with humans.
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict looked at the pencil, and instead of grabbing it with his mouth, he transformed back to his human form. (Or human appearing, as he was a vampire)

He grabbed the pencil gently and looked at the paper with narrowed, calm eyes, before attempting to draw. It looked more squiggly than anything.
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

(( I just realized she didn't hand him the pencil, only considered it. But I feel like he wouldn't care either way and would just grab it XD ))
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

Benedict Viktor wrote:
(( I just realized she didn't hand him the pencil, only considered it. But I feel like he wouldn't care either way and would just grab it XD ))
((LOL that's okay!))
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

Shocked to say the least, Cigil let out a surprised yelp! Suddenly there was a person before her. A young boy it seemed?She couldn't be certain...nevertheless she pressed her lips together and watched him draw. It was...fitting of a child to say the least.

"Erm...that's not how you draw an engine...or a motor." Cigil had somehow imagined others would have the same skills as she did. Naive, really.

"What do you want to draw? I'll help you I can draw most fish?"
Alternate (played anonymously)

The Alternate returned, her body language seemed happy.. she walked ovee to cigil "May I?" She said, her voice slightly distorted.. take it as shes not meant to be here
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

Once more her blue hues peaked up. The shy friend had reappeared. Cigil grew giddy. Was she actually socializing now? "Please do! Can you show us how to draw something?" While Benedict may have still been holding the pencil, Cigil took the boy's entire hand and offered it to Alternate.
Alternate (played anonymously)

The Alternate stole the pencil, and began drawing.. she seemed good at it, good enough so people could understand who she was drawing, it was very clearly another Alternate, an angel looking one, near the top, she wrote "Liar"

"Gabriel" she said

(By another Alternate, I mean hes oddly distorted and he has literally the same eyes she does-)
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict sighed, the pencil being taken from him after Cigil offered his hand to Alternate.
He watched Alternate draw, and he glanced over to Cigil at one point and spoke up, "My name is Benedict Viktor. Not Mr. Bat man boy person."
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

"Benedict- ah." Her cheeks reddened alittle. How embaressing for her to refer to him that way. "Nice to meet you. I'm Cigil." Her voice was much more fragile as she bashfully tucked her hair behind her ears.

She curiously admired the portrait. Cigil wasn't too great at drawing she thought Alternates drawing was impressive. "Is that what liars look like...?" Cigil hummed again. Was it bad she felt so giddy to be talking with people?
Benedict Viktor (played anonymously)

Benedict raised a brow then gave her a small smile, his fangs peeping between his thin lips.
He glanced back at Alternate's drawing and found it quite strange. It was good, but confusing.
Alternate (played anonymously)

"Its just him" she said, "Most humans are ok" she saidballing up the paper "Its best If I draw something else.. what were you drawing to begin with?" She asked
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

Cigil flinched at the paper balling up. Perhaps it was because she normally kept her notebooks pristine. A bit of a small habit of hers? Nevertheless she stuffed her hands into her lap, wuietly sulking. She would ignore it if it meant she could make friends.

"I can only draw machines and motors. I'm...erm...well I wanna make something that will help me. I guess that's why I came to this bar." Well something special happened. She was talking to people. That was something.

"Mr. Bat ma- Benedict was going to draw next." The woman beamed and returned the pencil to him. "Draw whatever moves you."
He was in the kitchen cutting up cabbage.
Alternate (played anonymously)

((The image of Drael obliterating the cabbage and the counter with his sword is something I will never forget))
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

Eventually the sound of chopping caught her attention. Her stomach started to growl . Finally her hues peaked at the many drinks and bottles hidden away behind the counter. She stood on her toes, hopping up to try and see. "Someone else is here? Hello back there?"

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