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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Kickback (played by randomentity777)

"Okay, thanks." Kickback heads outside in the direction of the recycling pit.
Titania (played by Reithesniper)

Titania flew into the bar, with an.. honestly unimpressed look on her face.. supposedly she was here to

A - Capture a criminal.. Medea
B - Gather Info on the criminal underworld

"Honestly.. I thought this was gonna be a harder mission.. they honestly didnt need to send me-" she said crossing her arms.. now admittedly shes quite literally small enough to step on.. but shes a tough little thing..

Anyways she caught an earful from wish, about the no violence rule.. which she sighed swore quietly in probably Fae about the rule and sat on the counter

"Ok.. Ill behave, seems like I got my destination wrong-"
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

Cigil noted someone else come into the bar. The place was quite crowded. Where had her friends earlier gone?

Nevertheless she mustered up her courage and decided to wave to the red haired woman. "Uh welcome in." She chimed. All at once she thought maybe she was silly ro do that. Would she really greet everyone who came in?

She couldn't resist though. She found the woman to be captivating even just to behold
Titania (played by Reithesniper)

The Fairy looked over at Cigil.. flying over, the 7 inch tall woman kinda just looked her up and down "Wow.. I guess this really isnt a hotspot-" she said "Well.. Hello, Its a pleasure to meet you" she smiled, honestly she didnt think much of the interaction-
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would walk into the bar with a beer hat on * max: what all did I miss?
Titania (played by Reithesniper)

Titania shrugs "I just got here.. dont ask me"
Titania wrote:
Titania flew into the bar, with an.. honestly unimpressed look on her face.. supposedly she was here to

A - Capture a criminal.. Medea
B - Gather Info on the criminal underworld

"Honestly.. I thought this was gonna be a harder mission.. they honestly didnt need to send me-" she said crossing her arms.. now admittedly shes quite literally small enough to step on.. but shes a tough little thing..

Anyways she caught an earful from wish, about the no violence rule.. which she sighed swore quietly in probably Fae about the rule and sat on the counter

"Ok.. Ill behave, seems like I got my destination wrong-"

He smiled almost beaming at his son having so many friends.
Titania (played by Reithesniper)

Honestly Titania just kinda looked at Mathius.. "Are you an elf?" she asked "I dont get to meet many so I get excited" she said, flying over to the counter and sitting down on a little chair.. where did that even come from?-
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Meanwhile, at a table. Rina and Moven seems to be discussing something while Hallie, Lockelan, Keye and SECRET is just outside, having an argument. Normally, it's SECRET's fault for causing arguments because of his anger issues and other crap. But that's not the point. Let's just focus on Rina and Moven as for right now.

Rina: "Hey, Moven. I uh, gotta ask a little something from you. After the events what happened those 100 years, I couldn't be able to get rid of my anger issues. So, I would like to ask, what should I do to get rid of my anger issues?"
Moven: "Well, from a friend to a friend, I'd say doing things that is not stress inducing and not being worth angry for. I know your always picking a fight with SECRET sometimes but sometimes, you just need to not pick the fights this time around. And of course, yes your yelling issues MAY catch all of us off guard but that's okay. That's what makes us all human. I mean sure, My skin is blue like an alien, but I ain't no harmful one. I used to run a game show business until the events happened 100 years ago occured. I also investigated too. But.. hmm... Give me a sec."

Moven then starts to walk off to go get a cold glass of water for Rina. After 30 seconds, he then returns with the cold glass of water. Rina then sighed and accepted it.
Rina: "Hmph... I wasn't THAT thirsty but.. thanks, I guess."

Man, if only SECRET asked Moven for some therapy like this. :T
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would be in the gaming corner playing some vary gory games * max: haha take that demon magget * he said to himself *
Titania wrote:
Honestly Titania just kinda looked at Mathius.. "Are you an elf?" she asked "I dont get to meet many so I get excited" she said, flying over to the counter and sitting down on a little chair.. where did that even come from?-

"Yes I am"
Titania (played by Reithesniper)

Titania kinda just flew around, just caring stuff, books, mugs, plates.. she kinda just liked carrying stuff.."
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

Cigil found her way to the upper floor of the bar. It essentially ended up being additional seating- an open loft with the view of the lower floor. Perhaps she wasn't to be traversing there...but she was intrigued by the various decorations. Thus here she was!The upper seating area seemed to be less crowded anyway. Thus she took a quiet seat beside the open view of the lower floor and began doodling the many people she saw. Well...trying to. She wasn't the best at drawing people.
Titania (played by Reithesniper)

Titania kinda just flew up to Cigil.. and sat next to her "What cha drawing..?" She asked lookin at her doodling
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would walk up to the to and ask the same question * max: whatcha two doing and nice drawings just make sure to get my good side * he said trying to be funny*
Alliyus (played by Alliyus)

"Greetings! Lovely to meet you all!" Alliyus curtsied in respect and greeting.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max was behind the bar cleaning some cups * max: evening new friend anything you’d like to order?
Autumn (played by Alliyus)

"I do not know." She blinked, sitting down calmly, yawning.
Titania (played by Reithesniper)

Titania, flew down.. she sat up on Alliyus' head "Welcome" she said smiling down at what she assumed was human
Hyde Kido (played by FictionDragonborn)

Um... Are you sitting on a person's Head?

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