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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Titania (played by Reithesniper)

"Im like 7 inches tall.. Im a fairy" she said, shrugging
Hyde Kido (played by FictionDragonborn)

That's... Cool.
Titania (played by Reithesniper)

She nods "Of course, most fairies are" she said
Good morning!
Cassidy (played by Alliyus)

"The sky does not shine, the moon nor comes and goes. Anyone who comes with the power of wield the planets to rotate is strong enough." Cassidy was talking to herself, muttering like she always did. She sat at the table, a book in front of her. She had a sparkling flame trying the flash alive in her left hand, growing slowly in her palm. She was focused on the book, the page flipping by itself with magic that didn't seem to have a presence or aura in this room. It was so powerful that it never showed. She blinked and looked down with light golden-almost amber. Her eyes had two black crescent moons. One in each eye. She blinked like they were some kind of pupil. She was looking down, focused but aware.
(If you wanna talk to me. You can always private message me. I'll respond when I can. I currently have school to do.)
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha stretches as she walks through the bar, setting herself up to begin working. Wiping down tables and sweeping the floor. Swaying a little as she does while listening to music.
Cassidy (played by Alliyus)

Cassidy eyed Natasha with her golden eyes. She blinked before looking back down at her book, bored like usual. Not many things can hold Cassidy's interest. Nor would they.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Nods to the one reading her book, as was her nature of being friendly. Then resumes cleaning. Collecting a feather duster and going around ground level first, then getting up on ledges, and stools to get the cobwebs. Wiping down the surfaces as she gets down.
Cassidy (played by Alliyus)

The book vanished in an 8th of a split millisecond. Cassidy appeared before a blink, behind the counter and grabbed a glass and poured herself some wine. She did so like a professional bartender. She twirled the wine glass up then poured, right before turning it upside down in her hand and put it away. before she even got up, she was sitting back down again, her movements like a breeze, a blur. She was not human.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Careful.. your supposed to pay" he said, having appeared next to Cassidy "Now please, currency from any world works"

"Im a little tired today.. could you not show off like that?"
Cassidy (played by Alliyus)

"Sure sure" Suddenly a gold coin worth more than around $100 appears in her right hand with a flick of her wrist. She handed it over.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish nodded "Alright then!" He said, appearing at the counter, placing the coin on the counter
Cassidy (played by Alliyus)

Cassidy blinked then went back down to reading her book. A white flame formed in her left palm, not spreading or hurting. It was just a small flame, made with a flick of her wrist. She was bored.
Cassidy (played by Alliyus)

"Welp, boredom takes over." The book vanished as she stood up. She was only 4'10, and looking around to be 16 years old, but she was way older than that. She looked around, hands behind her back calmly.
Titania (played by Reithesniper)

Titania kinda flew about.. carrying objects, she was simply just bored. She carried everything from a pencils, to pens, to baby chairs (you know those plastic ones?) She was putting them into a pile which was growing larger by the day.. it seemed to be a a small structure, all things considered a fairy hideaway
Cassidy (played by Alliyus)

Cassidy grabbed the small fairy with the wind. The wind swirled around the fairy, stopping her in her tracks. "Who may you be?"
Titania (played by Reithesniper)

Titania seemed a tad uncomfortable "I am Titania, I am a fairy" she said, attempting to move..
Cassidy (played by Alliyus)

The wind stopped all mobility. "Lovely to meet you. And you're a . . . fairy? I rarely see one these days." The deity goddess tilted her head.

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