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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Judgement (played by Alliyus)

Judgement sat there on a chair. It was a silhouette of a young girl. The girl was faceless, with long black hair, a face and skin that was black/gray. It tilted its head to the left, wondering.

Valentine eyed Judgement. "Spirits, like them."
Trim Kazekeshi (played by Reithesniper)

Trim turned her head, her stand appearing.. assuming since it was spiritual, she assumed her stand would be able to grab them, the clown like stand whipped around from her shoulder, using an odd rope that appeared from the jesters "bag" , attempting to capture them
Judgement (played by Alliyus)

The move she did just went through the entity. Judgement turned fully, sitting there in a silhouette of a girl's body it 'stole'. "I can't be touched." A dark voice came from everywhere around the building from the walls, ceiling, and floor.
Trim Kazekeshi (played by Reithesniper)

The Stand seemed just as confused as she was, Fools Gold quickly floated back behind the woman.. didappearing.. "Woahh.. thats so.. cool!" She laughed "Its like before I unlocked a stand, can I really not touch you?" She asked turning to Judgement, then turned to Valentine "Woahh... why do you wanna get rid of em, it seems pretty cool!"
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

Later, a girl sat there with sapphire-blue eyes in a white tunic, barefoot. She smiled softly, a halo floating above her head. She was an angel. But something was off.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish returns from the kitchen, noticing a trend of new people everytime he peaks out.. "Well I suppose I should get to introducing myself-" he sighed
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

The girl in white smiled at Wish. "Hello there! Who may you be?" Her voice seemed to attract attention, bringing people in towards her. She looked like an angel. When she smiled, her smile was too wide, like something evil. The thing is, you realize her mouth wasn't moving when she talked and smiled, which means the voice wasn't exactly hers.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish mimicked her manner of communication, not stealing a voice, but using his own "Hello, I am wish, I am the baker of this establishment, I make all things bread and sweets.. and also pasta if the time comes-"
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

Her smile widened a little to the point of inhuman and evil, she blinked. "Lovely to meet you. My name is Haste." The girl's tone suddenly when deep like darkness, evil.
Ella walked in taking in the scene around her. She looked to the bar the thing she had come for, she needed a drink especially now. She wouldn't take her anger and emotions out on the fine people of the bar. She just needed something to drink. She could hope someone would come up and distract her. She looked around noticing the baker, wish. She wasn't going to them though she wasn't assuming genders. She sat down at the bar looking up, "Can I get a drink please." She smiled when the bartender gave her a drink. She started drinking slowly, waiting for a distraction at least she hoped one would come.
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

Ella Blackheart wrote:
Ella walked in taking in the scene around her. She looked to the bar the thing she had come for, she needed a drink especially now. She wouldn't take her anger and emotions out on the fine people of the bar. She just needed something to drink. She could hope someone would come up and distract her. She looked around noticing the baker, wish. She wasn't going to him though. She sat down at the bar looking up, "Can I get a drink please." She smiled when the bartender gave her a drink. She started drinking slowly, waiting for a distraction at least she hoped one would come.

The blue eyed, white clothed girl looked at Ella. In a split millisecond, her eyes flickered blood-red, right back to sapphire-blue before anyone noticed. The girl smiled widely. "Greetings." Her tone was soft, but with a hint of malice.
Ella looked up not surprised by the person she was seeing. She nodded, "Hello, I'm Ella and you are?" She kept her voice calm because she heard the hit of malice and she didn't know what this person wanted or what they would do. She took another drink waiting for a response.
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

Ella Blackheart wrote:
Ella looked up not surprised by the person she was seeing. She nodded, "Hello, I'm Ella and you are?" She kept her voice calm because she heard the hit of malice and she didn't know what this person wanted or what they would do. She took another drink waiting for a response.

The girl smiled even wider, showing human teeth, but they wore razor-sharp. She blinked, eyes blue. "My name is Haste. Lovely to meet you." When she said this, her mouth never moved from the smile, which means that the girl herself wasn't saying it, something else did. But it sounded like the same voice that the girl spoke.
Ella raised an eyebrow wondering about the teeth and the seemingly different talker even though the voice was the same. She nodded, "Nice to meet you to...umm may I ask why are your teeth" She was very concerned for her safety as of this point but she wasn't leaving. She wanted to figure out this mystery...Haste. The smile never moved...something else was going on here the only question was what?
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Haste its a lovely name" he smiled, turning his head "Reminder of the no violence rule, we tend to be rather chill here" he said, before turning to face Ella "Oh yes, I can get you a drink, I can do most of the jobs here, I just need the word and I can do so" he said
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

Ella Blackheart wrote:
Ella raised an eyebrow wondering about the teeth and the seemingly different talker even though the voice was the same. She nodded, "Nice to meet you to...umm may I ask why are your teeth" She was very concerned for her safety as of this point but she wasn't leaving. She wanted to figure out this mystery...Haste. The smile never moved...something else was going on here the only question was what?

Her smile pulled back fully, showing her razor-sharp teeth that looked as hard as steel. "Oh, I was born this way." Her mouth never moved.
Ella smiled at Wish. She liked Wish far more than this Haste character. "I don't really care what the drink is I just need something to drink." She looked back at Haste noticing their reply. "Y-you were born this way...? What exactly are you...?" Her mouth not moving just pinged her suspicions through the roof but she heard Wish say no violence so she wasn't going to start something. But who was Haste really...? A question she only hoped she could find the answer to.
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

Ella Blackheart wrote:
Ella smiled at Wish. She liked Wish far more than this Haste character. "I don't really care what the drink is I just need something to drink." She looked back at Haste noticing their reply. "Y-you were born this way...? What exactly are you...?" Her mouth not moving just pinged her suspicions through the roof but she heard Wish say no violence so she wasn't going to start something. But who was Haste really...? A question she only hoped she could find the answer to.

"I'm just not human." The girl still had the smile on her face. Her mouth still never moved. Her blue eyes blinked, calm. Her tone still had the hint of malice to it.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

He went to fetch the woman lemonade, returning quickly.. its obvious he was a tad worried about Haste.. so he made his trip quick.. he wasnt exactly human either, if anything happened he would be able to stop it

"I return!-"
"O-okay then..." her voice sorta trailed off not finishing the sentence that was coming to her mind. The malice was the only thing not seeming calm about this person. Her mouth not moving, someone else was talking but her voice was the same, her eyes blinking calmly, what was really going on? Ella smiled when Wish returned with a lemonade taking it calmly and slowly drinking it. She didn't know if everyone here was human....or if she was the only one...god what had she walked into?

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