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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish's eyes werent normally visible, but this is the first time he's really shown aggession, his pink hair floating ever so slightly, his pink eyes were mostly calm, but there was "some" malice behind them
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

"Hello there, bitch!" Her mouth didn't move as she laughed, her blood-red eyes glaring, gaze cold as ice, sharp as daggers.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Shush.. keep swearing to a minimum.. there are children here" he didnt really bother with a binding spell "My little cousin isnt here so your safe right about now" he said
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

She grinned as she stood up immediately, standing there at 8 feet tall now instead of 5 feet. She looked at Wish and grinned evilly. Suddenly the ground shook a violently, cracking ever so. "Who said I needed to be safe?"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Now I have permission to hurt you" he said, arrows of Holy magic piercing.. and then chaining them to the ground, pushing them to the ground "Return to your pervious state or face consequences.."
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

She laughed unharmed and unphased. Suddenly she turned back into 5 feet tall, with blue eyes. She blinked, confused. "W-why am I---on the g-ground?" Her voice was nervous, surprised. She blinked, staring at him with fear. She was a total contrast to the girl who was just seen.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

The magic and calmness in his voice resurfaced.. as he removed his spell, and picked her up "Are you real little one?"
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

"I-Uhh-- Put me down." Pouting, hating to get picked up., She was calm. "Who are you? My name is Hazel, pleasure to meet you."
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Eh.." he said, a little annoted their introduction was wasted "Im wish, the Chefs son, I can do almost every job here so if you need anything, do not be afraid to ask" he said putting her down
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

"Lovely to meet you." She smiled as her mouth went into a soft smile. Her eyes flickered red then back to blue, like someone was trying hard to get through, but couldn't.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish began to put it together quickly "A shared body, I guess there's nothing I can do but whine-" he muttered sitting "Yes, quite lovely to meet you too"
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

...So you saw her...? She looked down, suddenly nervous. Her hearing was extremely good.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Of course, I assume you dont really know when it happens; the switch right?"
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

"Uhh. No. I don't know when Haste takes over. I try not letting her. But an angel like me, is weak against a demon like her." She pouted.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Well naturally youd be stronger if you had more mental resilience" he said knocking on her head
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

She let out a snarl, glaring, her left eye blood-red. It went back to blue and she pouted, confused. "Why did you touch me?
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Cause, its normally comforting to a child, Its something father do I think" he said, unable to count how many times his father has hugged and held him
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

She went cold, frozen.

Suddenly her eyes glared calmly, but burning with rage. "Do not! Ever bring something about a father up!" The girl's mouth never moved.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

He looked at her with small concern in his eyes "Ill have to ask father about this..: he thought to himself "My father is the kind type.. youd love to meet him" he said quietly "Would you two like some sweets?"
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

Her eyes softened, she smiled. "Sure!" She had no clue what just happened. Haste had spoken in her own form.

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