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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Sounds like pound cake to me..-"
he said.. walkin off to the kitchen to make some pound cake
Haste (played by Alliyus)

When he came back, Haste was sitting there at only 3'10, in her child form. She blinked, looking up when he approached.

((Her child form is on her Pf, the first one with the possession of Hazel side. With long white hair and red eyes.))
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

He sat down a small pound cake "Try it-" He would pass Azumi some tofu, he had brought it along from the kitchen
Haste (played by Alliyus)

She eyed the cake and stuck her tongue out in disgust.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Eat it, i know it doesnt look like much but it is good-"
Haste (played by Alliyus)

She shook her head. She was stubborn. She kept her tongue out in disgust. Small black demonic horns grew from her head.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Want something salty then?"
Haste (played by Alliyus)

"Ew!" She vanished.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Your so stubborn-" he sighed
Elaine (played by Alliyus)

A young girl sat there, a white flower crown on her head, placed neatly on her hair. She glanced at Wish with eyes that were as blue and as glassy as the ocean water. She tilted her head ever so slightly. She wore a black crinoline gown with black high-heels on. She didn't smile or laugh. She was calm, lips together in a relaxed manner. She was examining him from head to toe, then toe to head, 4 times, 2 times each way. She did this so fast, immediately getting to study every curve, angle, and physically appearance he had. She was thinking a thousand times per millisecond, and it showed. She already calculated that he was inhuman, and immortal. "I'm honestly very surprised Haste disappeared, leaving because of an immortal like you." Her voice was calming, soft, but highly manipulative. Many people would've fallen for her voice and walk over to her, often ending in their death or sleep that they never wake up from. She wondered why he ever met Haste and Hazel, the Eclipse Twins, known for being Death and Peace itself.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

He shrugs "Whatever.." he said "You know those kids?" he asked turning his head, he honestly seemed a little defensive
Elaine (played by Alliyus)

The girl tilted her head at the direction of the question, the Eclipse twins that just vanished. "Hazel Scarlet Winchester and Haste Aguilar Winchester. Twin daughters of Maxwell Ace Winchester, a Serial Killer, a person who had killed them in the 13th Century. Yes. I know a lot about them. He hung them both without even a feeling of hesitation or mercy." She said all this calmly, voice even, never even blinking. Her right top finger shifted up then was placed gently on the smooth, polished wooden counter of the table, her hand wrapped around the smooth edge of the wood. She blinked, her eyes having white crescent moons in them that was a sign of an Angelic Entity. She looked at Wise calmly. She was still studying and calculating everything about him with those hollow blue eyes that saw too much. She seemed intrigued, but she could really care less about him and the Eclipse Twins. "They're known as the Eclipse Twins. Born on the Eclipse. And died on the Eclipse.
CW: Description of deaths
-Hazel was hung for 3 minutes until she finally died. Haste was hung for 5 until she died. So she spent 2 whole minutes, watching her sister's limp body just dangle from the rope."
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

He pulls out that same link

"You should spoil that-"

Anyways "Interesting.." he said.. "I'm not a fan of you" he said turning his head to the pound cake... taking it upon himself to make sure it wasnt wasted.. he could bake one up for Haste if he finds her again..
Elaine (played by Alliyus)

She felt someone was coming and apologized but she had to go. She vanished out of fear, and it showed.
Aurora (played by Alliyus)

Aurora walked through the door. She was covered in blood. Blood dripping down her hands. Her right hand had a bloody, razor-sharp knife in it. She was calm, red eyes dull and lifeless as a killer. She eyed Wish and blinked then immediately eyed his neck before his eyes, studying how she would kill then eat him. She walked over to the seat at the table, blood dripping off the tip of her bloody knife, dripping onto the floor. Her black vans were drenched in blood. Her long white hair had blood dripping from the front bangs of it. Her red eyes glanced at his neck again when she sat down. "Hello?"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish directed her to the necromancer who kinda just mumbled in his sleep "W--what?-" he said stirring.. looking up at Aurora.. he immediately sensed her lack of life.. he seemed interested "You're something aren't you.." he said
Aurora (played by Alliyus)

She eyed the necromancer, then the knife in her right hand was gripped harder. She didn't speak. She saw them all as collateral damage, people doomed to die. Then she spoke. "Who are you?"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

He just giggled to himself "Settle down, settle down.." he said.. tapping the desk "Come over here, your pretty for a corpse, albeit.. your soul isnt meant to really be there.."
Aurora (played by Alliyus)

She still eyed him as collateral damage, useless, just in the way. She blinked, her lifeless eyes looking right into his like they're seeing right into his soul. "Why?" Her responses lacked feeling.



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