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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Aurora (played by Alliyus)

"Why.. because, your undead, Im a necromancer, you know how it is, ya know?" he chuckled.. blowing her a irresponsible kiss

((Cause I was using wish))

Aurora (played by Alliyus)


She blinked and walked over, footsteps silent. She was covered all in blood. Her bloody knife is still in her right hand.
He tapped the seat infront of himself "Calm down.. your in no danger, nor should you attempt to put anyone else in danger "Im a friend ok?"
Aurora (played by Alliyus)

"Last friend I had. He tried to kill me. So I killed him." She said calmly, sitting down across from him, right hand on the table with the knife on the table in her hand, dripping blood onto the table.
"Calm down.." he said.. looking down at that blood "Your dead.. how long?" he asked, well aware that wasnt her own blood.. "ITs a little unnerving..-" Medea had lied but ya know, gotta make her feel safe ya?
Aurora (played by Alliyus)

She blinked and let the knife go, her bloody hand moving to the right of the knife, still keeping it in grabbing range, but eyeing him. "I forgot how long I died."
He smiled "Thats better, why are you so messy my zombified friend?"
Aurora (played by Alliyus)

She blinked. "I just ate someone." She said this like it was normal. For her, it was.
"Glad to know I'm not the only one who does that."
"Eh...-" he muttered "A little barbaric.. but alright" he said nodding "How about you calm down?"

"Im beginning to think Im on the more normal side.."
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Korby on a random table is just eating... tomatoes. Yeah. That's it. Just the bar's supply of tomatoes.
Aurora (played by Alliyus)

Mrs Mason wrote:
"Glad to know I'm not the only one who does that."

She heard her and went to reach for her knife.
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

"Poyo poyo poyo!" ("That was delicious!")
((Medea keeps saying calm down-))

"Now your getting worked up" he said, placing his hands on his table.. "What drives you, the urge to violence.."
Korby Pureheart wrote:
"Poyo poyo poyo!" ("That was delicious!")

"Korby!" He said almost whining.

"That's all the tomatoes!" He sighed and sat down.
Aurora (played by Alliyus)

Medea the Necromancer wrote:
((Medea keeps saying calm down-))

"Now your getting worked up" he said, placing his hands on his table.. "What drives you, the urge to violence.."

She put the knife down and sat back down across from him, eyeing him then the knife in front of her. Her hands were stained with blood, fresh blood. "It's like I lose myself. And it feels good. It's like getting high, but on a more dangerous level."
"Yeah... Zombie" he said.. his hand reaching over towards her "Dont cut me now, ok?" he said, deciding to pat her on the head
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Korby Pureheart wrote:
"Poyo poyo poyo!" ("That was delicious!")

"Korby!" He said almost whining.

"That's all the tomatoes!" He sighed and sat down.

"a-" Korby then blinks... Oh jesus, why didn't anyone warn them before he gotten into them?! Korby then looks down in shame. "Poyo poyo..." ("I apologize...")
Aurora wrote:
Mrs Mason wrote:
"Glad to know I'm not the only one who does that."

She heard her and went to reach for her knife.

He got up and took the knife and set it in the weapons case "no weapons in the bar, and no fighting"

The chef went and sat with Korby and watched him eat the tomatoes

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