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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

((Later tho-))

"Why not, you should at least clean your hands and face?" he said "Can we try that?"
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Aurora (played by Alliyus)

Aurora (played by Alliyus)

Medea the Necromancer wrote:
((Later tho-))

"Why not, you should at least clean your hands and face?" he said "Can we try that?"

"I don't know. She was distracted, having her eyes on Eman's neck.
"Ah ah" he whistled "Leave him alone-"
eman john doe (played anonymously)

Eman felt watched, but was a bit too focused on talking with his snake friend to look around.
He was a bit oblivious to his surroundings at this time.
Aurora (played by Alliyus)

Medea the Necromancer wrote:
"Ah ah" he whistled "Leave him alone-"

She didn't hear him. She was distracted completely, seeing the blood flow from within Eman's neck. She was craving.
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Matt then closed the book, sighing deep before placing the book in his inventory. "I think I became smarter now. Well. Only a little to be in fact."
He sighed... taking his hand and placing it on the table "Im not sure if it'll help but like, if you want my blood it could help-"
Aurora (played by Alliyus)

Medea the Necromancer wrote:
He sighed... taking his hand and placing it on the table "Im not sure if it'll help but like, if you want my blood it could help-"

She pointed to Eman's. "I want his. Then yours."
"Mine first" he said pointing to himself "Respect the living at least" he said rolling his eyes
Aurora (played by Alliyus)

"Living blood is better--- though."

Aurora (played by Alliyus)

Bro literally got saved!!)|
"IM ALIVE YOU-" he groaned

((Goodnight :3 ))
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Matt then drinks a cup of water instead of a can of beer, surprisingly. "Ahh..."
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"So... Everyone else is doing okay, yes?"Matt then asked, with a slight smile. He seems to be in a decent mood right now.
"Yeah... pretty much-"
"I SAID NO FIGHTING!" His voice would shake the glass as he was finally annoyed.

He pointed at both Medea and Aurora before picking Korby up "if you scare Korby again, I'll thrash you both"
Nightshade seems rather perturbed about the noise, since they are just trying to relax and do some reading.
Kiyohime (played by Revereen)

Kiyohime entered the bar, holding a hermit crab in her hands. There is no explanation to this. It just happened.

"I love you, you little Anchin-sama!", She said to the crustacean, snuggling it up beside her head.

The crab, however, was having none of it. It was currently making every attempt to escape Kiyohime's grasp by hiding inside its shell.

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