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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

He pulled his daughter into an embrace. "All the knowledge I have and keep, but parenting is a guessing game"

There was no doubt Mathius's technopathy was far stronger than Charlie's so he began checking her and looking through her thoughts.

"Azumi, I need you to sing one of your lullabies in order to help me calm my daughter down. Ren, you go over to Drael and stay put"
Slowly, Charlie embraces her father. "P... papa? Is.... Is this.... that you?"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi sung to Charlie as per Mathius' request:

"Breathe, slow down and breathe
Slowly, deeply, you're getting there

Sleep all's fine, just sleep
In my own arms, where you're sheltered in warmth"

This was Azumi's lullaby to her son, she usually combined it with a spell of calming, which she did right at this very moment. This time her niece needed it most.
Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Slowly, Charlie embraces her father. "P... papa? Is.... Is this.... that you?"

"Yes, honey. It's your papa. Aunt Azumi and Uncle Drael are here too. Your cousins Ren and Fumizuki are close too. Everyone is here and safe" He said calmly and softly.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

(( Just a repost, folks. Feel free to ignore it, folks. ))

Claude looked angry with no signs of her usual smoothness. She sat at a booth in the corner with a man. The man payed her no attention and stirred his tea with a spoon.


He finally looked at her and sighed. "You and your unwanted words called excuses," the man said. Claude averts her glare at him and balls up her fist. "Your negligence got you there in the first place and then, your disobedience has the whole government on you and that child."
E-1987 (played anonymously)

'87 was sitting underneath the table, doing one of those word search games on the paper that they give to children at restaurants sometimes.

Upon hearing 'that child', he poked his head up slightly, but soon continued his focus on the paper.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

The man's face look almost eerily similar to Al Pacino if this was a celebrity look alike game. Except for the man had a burn scar over his left eye and a eyepatch adorned with a golden rose to cover the eye too. From his graying hair and wrinkles, one could guess he was 56 maybe.

"Oh, you brought the child. How swell." His words were brimmed with sarcasm. "Don't say anything about him. Ya hear me!" Claude swiftly stood up and grabbed the man's collar.
Arch-type001 (played by Crowned_Eagle)

Drael Chizkith wrote:
Arch-type001 wrote:
He suddenly stopped in the middle of the bar the smirk extending across his face. "Heh." He turns his head glancing over his shoulder at her. "To think I would run into another with that ability." A sinister grin curled unto his lips. "Now, now. No one likes a peeker. Ruins the surprise. Ah! I have a great idea! How about you stay out of my thoughts for the sake of both of us....." His tone lowered a bit as the smirk left his face.

He stooped down from his 7'9" height to be eye-level with the boy "threatening my niece isn't a smart idea, boy" his thunderous voice was now just above a threatening whisper. He stared at him unblinkingly. "Don't piss me off, son"

(Sorry but I my oc had left after that. I'll be back for more chaos though😄)
E-1987 (played anonymously)

Claude wrote:
The man's face look almost eerily similar to Al Pacino if this was a celebrity look alike game. Except for the man had a burn scar over his left eye and a eyepatch adorned with a golden rose to cover the eye too. From his graying hair and wrinkles, one could guess he was 56 maybe.

"Oh, you brought the child. How swell." His words were brimmed with sarcasm. "Don't say anything about him. Ya hear me!" Claude swiftly stood up and grabbed the man's collar.

'87 was a bit startled by Claude standing up suddenly, and crawled out from underneath the table, holding the paper and crayon to his chest, stepping away from the table a bit, stepping a bit closer to Claude's side of the table rather than the man's side.
Olly (played anonymously)

Olly would then FINALLY walk into the tavern, after taking like, I don't know? 5 whole days to clean the entire Origami Castle. He also have a low-on-energy Olendria on his back because apparently, she helped too but it kinda costed her most of her stamina because she was rushing all the god damn time. Olly just took his time because there is not even a rush to clean the entire castle in record time. Like seriously, from me to you, do NOT rush things at your own pace! It is extremtly unhealthy and uncalled for. From me to you.

"Whew... That took a lot longer than I thought. Hello, everyone. Has anyone seen my sister around here lately? I been alerted that she somehow became forklift certified. What in the name of Origami HELL did she do?"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Get your barbaric hands off of me, Fido," the man said eerily calm. Claude ungrasped his collar and smoothed it off before going to comfort '87. "You gone soft. What a shame, you were one of the best amongst the fools."

The man got up and gripped Claude's shoulder hard enough to sting yet not to left a bruise. He was half her size yet to her, he towered over her. Terror washed over her, raising the fine hairs on the back of her neck. The man smirked and then left the bar.
Olivia (played anonymously)

Olivia would then run towards Olly before tackling him down into a tight hug. She really missed her brother after all this time he was gone. Hell, it's been five days as mentioned. She then starts to yell at Olly, kinda playfully scolding him. "Son of a origami heckhole, Olly! Where were you these five days?! It hasn't been well since you were in the origami castle, cleaning for 5 days straight and I've been doing the dang deliveries alone! And why is Olendria on your back?! I thought you hated her!"
The man who grabbed Claude was about to have a pretty bad day because him grabbing Clsude got the redeemed 7'9" demon's attention. Just as he was about to go over and throw him from here to Jerusalem on planet Earth, he left. He would then settle back in.
Olendria (played anonymously)

"I'm so freakin' tired..." Olendria tiredly said on Olly's shoulder.
E-1987 wrote:
Claude wrote:
The man's face look almost eerily similar to Al Pacino if this was a celebrity look alike game. Except for the man had a burn scar over his left eye and a eyepatch adorned with a golden rose to cover the eye too. From his graying hair and wrinkles, one could guess he was 56 maybe.

"Oh, you brought the child. How swell." His words were brimmed with sarcasm. "Don't say anything about him. Ya hear me!" Claude swiftly stood up and grabbed the man's collar.

'87 was a bit startled by Claude standing up suddenly, and crawled out from underneath the table, holding the paper and crayon to his chest, stepping away from the table a bit, stepping a bit closer to Claude's side of the table rather than the man's side.

"Hey pal! Welcome to Trixie's. Can I get you anything?" His tone was kind and almost fatherly.
Charlie, meanwhile, is passout somewhere in the tavern, sleeping off her outburst. It was very taxing on her body and mind, handling that much Divine Mana when she wasn't ready for it all so quickly. Maybe someon can check on her?
Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Charlie, meanwhile, is passout somewhere in the tavern, sleeping off her outburst. It was very taxing on her body and mind, handling that much Divine Mana when she wasn't ready for it all so quickly. Maybe someon can check on her?

He put a blanket over his niece and a pillow under her head.
She murmurs softly in her sleep, showing signs of distress. Seems the mana overload is still affecting her mind in small ways....
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude hugged '87 and it took a bit to calm her down. "Don't you worry your head off. He won't hurt you," Claude whispered to '87.
Charlie Kothinto wrote:
She murmurs softly in her sleep, showing signs of distress. Seems the mana overload is still affecting her mind in small ways....

He would reach into his daughter's mind to be beside her. Quite frankly, this was the first time he's ever done this.

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