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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

He growled with frustration as he struggled to hold the cup that was comedically to small for his hands.
Charlie raises a hand, opeing a Window. she types a few things and the cup grows to match his size proportionally. Sadly, she stills suffering from mana sickness, so she starts feeling nausous after doing that.
Charlie tilts her head. "Oh yeah... we're cousings now, right Claude?" She coughs breifly. "By the way, has anyone seen Olivia?"
Claude wrote:
Claude walks up to her new father, Drael. "I would like to thank for adopting me," Claude said as she sat in a small chair, looking ridiculous as well. "Relax your hands, Senor."

Jonesy joined them as well. "This is Jonesy, my best friend," Claude said.

"Jonesy.....there's a character on this show called Letterkenny named Jonesy. Anyway, Claude is my oldest. If she gets in trouble on account of you, I'll leave you on a planet in a different universe"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Charlie tilts her head. "Oh yeah... we're cousings now, right Claude?" She coughs breifly. "By the way, has anyone seen Olivia?"

"Do you need to track her down?" Claude says in an serious tone like she was receiving a mission. Jonesy looked over Charlie then before grabbing a random book and going into the kitchen.
Arch-type001 (played by Crowned_Eagle)

Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Charlie appears behind him, Hand on the back of his head, a code window open. "Watch your tone, mortal."

He stands there in silence between the massive man and Charlie with her powers activated behind his head. With a devilish smirk upon his face he would speak. "Sure you want to try that again Charlie? Last time didn't work out to well for you, did it?"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Drael Chizkith wrote:
Claude wrote:
Claude walks up to her new father, Drael. "I would like to thank for adopting me," Claude said as she sat in a small chair, looking ridiculous as well. "Relax your hands, Senor."

Jonesy joined them as well. "This is Jonesy, my best friend," Claude said.

"Jonesy.....there's a character on this show called Letterkenny named Jonesy. Anyway, Claude is my oldest. If she gets in trouble on account of you, I'll leave you on a planet in a different universe"

Claude turned to look at her father. "Easy Dad, it is the other way around." Jonesy's chuckles were heard from the kitchen.
Arch-type001 (played by Crowned_Eagle)

Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Knowing Azumi, she would attempt to stop the fighting

"Okay!" Azumi said, putting her hands on her hips "Break it up you two! You both might as well settle this with a long debate and a nice cup of tea!"

Azumi materialized a tea set and a small table.

"Sit down with me you two. I shall watch you two debate and ensure nothing escalates!" She smiled.

"Well, well a peacemaker. Should we all hold hands and sing karaoke now? Or get drunk first? Oh! I know! One round sober! And the second round drunk so we all leave on good terms." His words reeked of sarcasm.
Arch-type001 (played by Crowned_Eagle)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Arch-type001 wrote:
Drael Chizkith wrote:
Arch-type001 wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Arch-type001 wrote:
The Planet Cruiser Shen, a planetary sized ship with advanced magical advancements and otherworldly technology. Within the ship the young appearing god thinks deeply about recent events while reclining in a glowing chair. "Scout....? Is there any residual energy of that goddess left within my makeup?" The floating droid arrived quickly through a portal. "User, Arch-Type001 commencing scan." A blue light flashes moving from head to toe in an instant. "No anomalies detected Arch-type001." He narrowed his eyes thinking for a moment. "What is the status of the so called demigoddess?" The scouting droid displayed an holographic image of Charlie down and out in the bed. "It seems her powers are fluctuating due to strong emotional distress." He folds his arms over his chest. "Time to pay our new friend a visit. I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm rude." He speaks in a sarcastic tone before closing his eyes to project into her mindscape.

Utilizing his technopathy, he would shut down all technological systems within the ship. He was still sitting beside his daughter and was stroking her hair.

The ship's power flutters shutting down completely, without warning. Grinning in the darkness he sits holding a rather confident expression as the back up energy surges through the ship from the magical stores of energy. "Ooooooo." His eyes shift from left to right rapidly. "I just keep making new friends. I should go say hello..." He opens a portal stepping through to stand in front of Charlie's father looking directly into his eyes. "Oh, silly! You could've just called me!" He spoke with a somewhat loud yet sarcastic tone. Stopping for a moment his eyes would widen as he covered his mouth with both of his hands, looking at the sleeping Charlie while feigning concern. "Oh, sorry. Let me keep my voice down..."

A large, powerful vice-like grip clamped around his shoulder. The hand was covered by a thick armor gauntlet. He would force the being to turn and face him. He towered over him at 7'9".

"I am certain I warned you....."

His eyes widened a bit in awe first as he was forced to turn causing the floor under his feet to crack and second at the size of the man. Looking upward into his eyes he would pause in silence as his expression leveled out into that of indifference. Sighing out softly he would speak out to the mountain of a armored man. "I feel like I need to be honest with you. People have told me so many things in this long existence of mine. It's truly a shame as the words only seem to just roll in together after a while." Lifting the same arm which the man's large hand held tightly he would wave his hand dismissively as the tone of his voice changed into a darker ill intentioned tone. "I don't like to be touched....but you seem to be doing just that. Did you know that the big ones die all the same? I mean perhaps they make larger sound when they hit the ground but that's about it...."

"That big guy there isn't one you want to provoke into anger, son..."

"Don't call me son dad. Your family is right here around you. And kind of in my way....maybe I should make some room"
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

Astoria looms behind archtype. "I suggest you leave. Now."
Arch-type001 (played by Crowned_Eagle)

Drael Chizkith wrote:
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Knowing Azumi, she would attempt to stop the fighting

"Okay!" Azumi said, putting her hands on her hips "Break it up you two! You both might as well settle this with a long debate and a nice cup of tea!"

Azumi materialized a tea set and a small table.

"Sit down with me you two. I shall watch you two debate and ensure nothing escalates!" She smiled.

"I'll make a deal with you, Azumi: I won't rip him in half if you have a cup of tea with me. I respect the 'no fighting' rule"

He points to his head taunting the giant. "If you were smart you would've already tried to rip me in half. You'd fail but at least no one could say you didn't try."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Jonesy, handle Charlie!" Claude told her right hand man while he was still in the kitchen. The sound of dishes was apparent in the background.

"Ooo, a fight. Who's gonna win?" Claude pulled out a knife from its sheath.
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

Astoria sighs. "Sorry, Claude dear, there will be no fight, simply a banishment. Until he can learn to obey the rules and respect the current owners of this establishment." She snaps her fingers, and Archtype vanishes.
Arch-type001 (played by Crowned_Eagle)

Astoria Lotus wrote:
Astoria looms behind archtype. "I suggest you leave. Now."

Turns towards her. "Fine, I will...." He spoke in a calm tone. "Afterall it doesn't matter where I start. Whether at the branches or roots, I will destroy the tree. And everything will go with it." He bows to them all. "Thank you all for the hospitality..." He opens a portal walking towards it to exit.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Crud." Claude puts away her knife as Jonesy returns from the kitchen with a tray. The tray held a plate of owl shaped cookies, a tea pot, and a owl themed tea cup filled with a strange blue liquid.


"That strange rabbit man left his recipe book here," Jonesy said. He handed Charlie the teacup; the tea smelled like blueberries. "The recipe is called Mana Tea. I think," he explained, "Still unsure what is this 'mana', but I hope it helps."
Arch-type001 (played by Crowned_Eagle)

He sits in silence presently back on his ship. He was all to familiar with the spell that sent him back before he could reach his portal. It was an extremely powerful banishment spell. Oddly very similar to the spell that got him banished from his origin realm in the heavens. Sitting angrily in the chair the tension would build in the air but he would calm himself as emotional instability was not a path he'd like to walk down again. It's odd though. Even this Charlie experiences a surge overload he thinks too himself. What else may be similar in this dimension? With a deep exhale he would recline in the command chair taking some time to reflect.
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

Claude wrote:
"Crud." Claude puts away her knife as Jonesy returns from the kitchen with a tray. The tray held a plate of owl shaped cookies, a tea pot, and a owl themed tea cup filled with a strange blue liquid.


"That strange rabbit man left his recipe book here," Jonesy said. He handed Charlie the teacup; the tea smelled like blueberries. "The recipe is called Mana Tea. I think," he explained, "Still unsure what is this 'mana', but I hope it helps."

She sips it gently. "Thank you..."
Alethea (played anonymously)

Alethea drinks down an entire tall glass of mead while keeping an eye on the goings on in the place.
Arch-type001 wrote:
He sits in silence presently back on his ship. He was all to familiar with the spell that sent him back before he could reach his portal. It was an extremely powerful banishment spell. Oddly very similar to the spell that got him banished from his origin realm in the heavens. Sitting angrily in the chair the tension would build in the air but he would calm himself as emotional instability was not a path he'd like to walk down again. It's odd though. Even this Charlie experiences a surge overload he thinks too himself. What else may be similar in this dimension? With a deep exhale he would recline in the command chair taking some time to reflect.

He tore through the hull of his ship with his hands.
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

"ah, well, its not in the bar, so what can I do?"

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