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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

(noo, just forgetful :3)
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"I wish you both luck for your relationship." Claude looks in two directions before getting up and walks to her cousin. She leans fowards and whispers in Charlie's ear.

"I honestly need advice how to ask out someone too."
Charlie bursts out laughing. "If I get some, i'll be sure to pass it along. Thanks for the luck!"
Claude wrote:
"I honestly need advice how to ask out someone too."

"I may be part deaf, but I'd suggest you just do it before it's too late."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude lightly hits Charlie on the head. "I'm being completely serious." She returned back to her seat.

"I do consider myself a charmer but for this special person, I'm afraid I'll scare him away if I pull the same routine accidentally."
"Like I said. Don't wait." However she managed to do that without changing her expression— Well, wait, that's standard of her at this point.
Charlie tilts her head, before a look of realization crosses her eyes. "Ohhh, is it that Jonesy boy? ooohhh! Gossip!! I've always wanted to gossip!"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude looked at M1917. "Thanks for the advice."
"Mhm." How many bottles of alcohol can this woman go through, for real? Find out next epi— I mean next Great War.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Charlie tilts her head, before a look of realization crosses her eyes. "Ohhh, is it that Jonesy boy? ooohhh! Gossip!! I've always wanted to gossip!"

"That man is basically my brother at this point!" Claude looked shocked at her cousin. "He is a frequent here. He is such a sweetheart if that is people say."
Charlie frowns. "Hmmm... Oh come on cous, tell meee"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"So interested in the person who swooned the flirt's heart?" Claude smirked as blush crept up on her cheeks. "Another alien from the vacuum of space."
Charlie tilts her head. "Wait, you mean GLIP?! He is cute, I'm not gonna lie..."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude facepalmed and sighed. "His face is very blurry to me. It's the saiyan, Oniyan!"
Charlie nods. "That makes much more sense. He's such a sweetheart! Oh, oh, Papa will know where he is!"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

(( Not me getting my bop on to Careless Whisper before checking this lol ))

"If I play my cards, it might be a success." Claude looks at Charlie for her opinion.

Charlie nods. "Like I said, he's a sweetheart, and, hold on, let me check something--
((I've been spending my time on the depresso with an Italian song lmfao))

"Last time I played cards, an artillery shell passed through the guy I was playing with. I'll, uh. Spare you all the details."
She opens a window, coughing slightly from the mana usage before pulling up a tab on Saiyans. "Yeah yeah, Zenkai Boost, Super Saiyan, Saiyan God Legends... Divine ki... where is it... No, that's half saiyan rage boosts.... Aha, here, it says Saiyans a known to like strong women. You fit that description pretty well Cous."

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