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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"Do you drink blood? I know some vampires don't, for moral reasons, but if you do, we might have some blood based brews in the back. Papa likes to keep such things of standby for all patrons."
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

"i try not to drink human blood, i eat animal blood to keep the craving off, drinking alcohol helps, it doesn't make me drunk just takes the edge of craving it off" he nodded
Charlie nods, getting up. She stumbles a bit, still recovering from her mana over load, so she codes in a cane and heads to the back. After a few minutes, she yells back. "All we have in stock right now it pigs blood ale, is that ok?"
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

"oh sure!" he yelled back
She grabs a mug and returns with a mug filled with ale and places it in front of him. "If you need a top up, let me know. Papa said he was making something, so snacks might be available soon."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Easy, Charlie. I can get it for you." Claude lets go of Oniyan's hand and goes for her cousin. Her beer can was on the floor, leaking the lukewarm liquid and foam.
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

*he grabbed it quickly, and sipped it "mmm
She smiles weakly. "I'm fine, cous."
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

He looked at charlie and frowned "whats wrong? is everything okay?" he stood up and touched her arm gently checking her over making sure she was okay
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Get some rest, will ya?" Claude says and looks at her spilt beer. She grabs a mop then picks up the beer can, tossing it into a trash can.
Charlie rests on the couch. "I miss Olivia."
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

"who is olivia?" he tilted his head*
"My girlfriend." She walks over tp a couch and sits down.
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

"oh cool" smied and nods
Adrian Hawthorne wrote:
"And I'm a Marine. I'm like M1917, but better" He sent a gentle rib to the soldier

"You can say that when you have a Medal of Honor."
M1917 Enfield wrote:
Adrian Hawthorne wrote:
"And I'm a Marine. I'm like M1917, but better" He sent a gentle rib to the soldier

"You can say that when you have a Medal of Honor."

"I have an EGA"
"You're just the Navy's infantry."
"Men's Dept. in the Department of the Navy....get it right"

He picked up a menu and then looked up at her "they have all-you-can-eat nachos..."
"Yes, and we can slander the Air Force too."
"CHAIR Force.....
" He corrected her

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