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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Dax takes a seat at the bar. "Excuse me, but do you have any raktajino here?"
"My son would know, but I haven't see him in months"
Deutschland wrote:
"Du machst auch viel Lärm, du verdammter Heuchler!" (You're making a lot of noise too, you damn hypocrite!)

"Teen keittiön ääniä, persepää" (I'm making noises in the kitchen, goblin)
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"My son would know, but I haven't see him in months"

"I see. I'm Jadzia Dax, nice to meet you."
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Wish Mentioned!" He'd drop from a portal "You can just say my name and Ill end up here father, Im pretty much back to normal!" He'd say, from the looks of it hes healthy again!

"As for raktajino, I believe we could make some..Ill have to find a recipe, but Ill find some" He'd smile, giving a hug to his father, before sitting a bag on seasonings "Turns out some of the super earths nearby have some interesting seasonings, you could cook them better than I so give them a try will you?"

"I should probably say happy mother's day to mom if I come across her mid travel-"
"I know how to make a traditional raktajino, so I can help if need be in order to make sure that it's right." Dax says.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Well I dont mind people in the kitchen, father?" He asked his father he'd ask
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren reentered the bar, but what is he holding? A portrait of Azumi in her human form wearing a kimono. It seems as if he intended for this to be his mother's day gift for his motherly fox spirit.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi entered the bar and saw Ren's drawing and smiled.

"Nice drawing, dearie!" Azumi said

"Yeah..." Ren said "Thanks..."

Then she realized...


She then grabbed the drawing and hugged it, possibly smudging it.

"Oh! My bad!" Azumi giggled in embarrassment.

"Mom!" Ren groaned
"I see we've all stopped talking in tongues."
Tyberos (played by randomentity777)

"Should anyone try to sully this place with the foul language of Chaos, then I will deal with them…personally."
Mary Q (played anonymously)

Mary casually points at Medea "Get em hes a necromancer"
"I did not come here today just to be ratted on to the feds..-" he grumbled
Tyberos (played by randomentity777)

Tyberos turns and lumbers towards Medea, the claws on Hunger and Slake sliding into their deployment positions. Even more menacing is the fact that this behemoth of a Space Marine appears to be humming the theme from "Jaws" in his usual ominous whisper, as each large metallic footfall brought the Red Wake closer to Medea.
"Back up fella" he'd mutter, leaning back, a tad nervous.. sure immortality normally comes with the package, but its not entirely absolute "I ain't even bother anyone yet-"
FrostNova (played by AgitoAceXIII)

And then FrostNova just takes a big hit of vodka you normally do.
Tyberos (played by randomentity777)

Medea the Necromancer wrote:
"Back up fella" he'd mutter, leaning back, a tad nervous.. sure immortality normally comes with the package, but its not entirely absolute "I ain't even bother anyone yet-"

"Foul sorcery will not be tolerated." Tyberos hissed as the underbite chainblades on his gauntlets began to rev up. He moves like an apex predator closing on his prey.
"Yeahhh, Im good bro-" he'd say, running off before that T-rex of a (Can you even call Space Marines men?) man tries to put him in the hospital-
Tyberos (played by randomentity777)

"…" Tyberos watches Medea run, and decides not to pursue, feeling that the purveyor of foul sorcery wouldn't dare show his face in the presence of the Red Wake. Hunger and Slake powered down, the talons retracting and the whirring chainblades halting.
Messinius goes over to Tyberos and whispers something in his ear. Upon hearing whatever was said to him, Tyberos nodded grimly and left the bar.

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