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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

*Speaking of Ragna, The grim reaper decided to take a visit to the bar after so long. He saw that not many people were here, Which wasn't really surprising.* "Huh, You two are the only ones here for Now?"
Ronal (played by randomentity777)

"I'm here."
"There are plenty of us, you just...don't see us, I suppose."
"I'm in the kitchen, Ragna" He spoke into Ragna's mind.
Seluvis peeks his head through the front door and took a quick glance around the bar, scowled, before leaving. Some muffled, annoyed speaking can be heard before he enters the bar proper, his eyes half closed in annoyance.
"Has anybody here seen a mongrel named Blaidd?" He asks. "About 8 feet tall, mange ridden, carries around an oversized piece of metal he calls a greatsword?"
He came out of the kitchen "jello. Welcome to Trixie's. The only person that I know that remotely matches that description is my brother Drael"
"Your brother is a dog?" Seluvis says in surprise. "... Well I can't say you don't look and... Marika's tits, smell like one yourself. Regardless, I do not believe he is who I am searching for."
Charlie blinks. "Why would Uncle Drael be a dog, and what does that have to do with Marika's breasts? Also my father does not smell like a dog."
Pyro (played by randomentity777)

"Hmm dmm HMMMMF?!"
Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Charlie blinks. "Why would Uncle Drael be a dog, and what does that have to do with Marika's breasts? Also my father does not smell like a dog."

"Because your father said that your uncle matched the description of the one I'm searching for. And unless your ears are clogged, you will recall I said that he was a mongrel. As for Marika's tits, it is an expression from my homeland. Similar to your 'god damn.'"
"Now little girl, stay out of an adult's conversation. Your voice hurts my ears."
Charlie sighs, raising a hand before slapping the man across the face. "Watch your tone when speaking to me. Ugh, some mortals are so rude."
He would dash from the kitchen and wrap his hands around Seluvis's neck and lifted him up and pressed him against the wall and began choking him. " all disrespected my baby. Now you die.." He said in an angry monotone voice.

His face had an expression of rage engraved upon it as he began applying pressure with the full intent on taking his life. It was full on protective Papa Bear mode now.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He would dash from the kitchen and wrap his hands around Seluvis's neck and lifted Jon and pressed him against the wall and began choking him. " all disrespected my baby. Now you die.." He said in an angry monotone voice.

His face had an expression of rage engraved upon it as he began applying pressure with the full intent on taking his life. It was full on protective Papa Bear mode now.
Azumi entered the bar only for her to see a n act of violence. She rushed over to Mathius and attempted to persuade him to stop.

"H-hang on, Mathius!" Azumi stammered "We have a 'No fighting' rule in place in this bar, don't we? Also, think of your children! You would not want them growing into violent people, yes?"
Blaidd was just exiting the bathroom when he saw the spectacle. He quickly rushed over to Seluvis, attempting to pull the old man out of Mathius' arms.
Seluvis could not respond, however, as he was currently being strangled.
Mathius was completely enraged. His hands locked down a bit tighter as he attempted to wring the life out of Selvius as he strangled him.

He heard Azumi "Hi disrespectful my brother and disrespected my baby...."
He slammed Selvius down still strangling him, but let up just a bit enough to get his attention "you had better thank my friend Azumi as well as Blaidd. I'm going to let you live. Never disrespect my family or my friends again"

He stood up and glowered angrily at the man he was just attempting to kill. Selvius was the first being that Mathius wanted to kill in a very long time. He gave him a hard kick in the butt for good measure.
"I would almost say that's a bit over the, if I've not seen worse."
"I'm impressed. I didn't know he had it in him...."
Charlie sits on the couch, sipping some boba tea. "Neither did I."
He merely grinned and shrugged.

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