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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

She shrugs her shoulders, because violence is just a second nature to her at this point.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

It was almost sundown; Rosario has yet to find her, and that means Claude was just about to escape with some dignity she has left.

The older man went to the bar counter where she was hiding.

"It reeks in here." He complained before leaving the bar.

If anyone took a whiff of Claude right now, it will probably bring a tear to their eye. Mud was in her hair and was accompanied by caked up blood on her clothing.
He stood up immediately. His face was a mask of both rage and concern as he rushed to his daughter "what happened? Who did this?!"
He ran out of the kitchen to Claude. As he ran, he pushed NPC patrons out of his way. "Oh God......if Oniyan sees this, we are a new type of screwed...."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude got up from the bar counter. She jumped as her father and uncle ran up to her.

Their concern surprised her.

"A failed job." Claude frowned at her mention of a failed job. Her rep was in for a bruising.
He sighed "go get cleaned up and come back out here...."
"I'll got make you something to eat and call Oniyan" He walked back into the kitchen
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Call Oniyan for what? It is no big deal." Claude then smelled herself and let a groan. "You guys got any spare clothes?"
Claude Cá Rô wrote:
"Call Oniyan for what? It is no big deal." Claude then smelled herself and let a groan. "You guys got any spare clothes?"

"I have my chef jacket.."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"No thanks, Unc. Don't need anyone new thinking I'm the mind behind all of the delicious food." Claude jumped across the bar counter and grabbed a duffle bag.

"I forgot I put this here. Where are the showers again?"

The sound of a rubber duck being squished came from the bag.
"Upstairs, last door on the left"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude nodded and rushed upstairs. After a bit, she comes downstairs with a fresh suit without the blazer on. Her red eyepatch was shaped like a star.

She was still drying her hair with a towel.
He looked at his daughter with concern.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"The target had the legs of a gazelle," Claude said to Drael, sensing his concern. "I need to lay low however so if I could a job here."
"Wonderful. You're hired. Trixie's is now, for the most part, family-run"
Claude Cá Rô wrote:
"The target had the legs of a gazelle," Claude said to Drael, sensing his concern. "I need to lay low however so if I could a job here."

He put holis arms around his oldest child
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Thanks. Looks like Trixie's has a new bartender." Claude embraced the arms around her and patted one of them to assure to her dad that she was okay. "Any dress code? Or can I just make drinks in a suit?"
"Drael, with all due respect, are you certain that you are not in any way related to us Astartes?"
"No offense taken, Captain. No, I am not. However, I am familiar with your stories and exploits in battle "
Claude Cá Rô wrote:
"Thanks. Looks like Trixie's has a new bartender." Claude embraced the arms around her and patted one of them to assure to her dad that she was okay. "Any dress code? Or can I just make drinks in a suit?"

"You can wear whatever you wish."

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