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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"I will return to my chapter's fleet and see what forces we have available. We're still recovering from being displaced from our world, and I only recently was reunited with my chapter after my involvement in the Indomitus Crusade."
Charlie, just to be stupid, makes a giant floating..... somthing, in the air.

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Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi, also in an attempt to be stupid, released magic-based confetti in the air for absolutely no reason while she remained in Mathius' Papoose. It would soon fade away into mana after falling to the ground.

"Yay! Confetti!" Azumi squealed in delight.
He petted Azumi as she was in the papoose.
Mother Maria (played by Jaws)

Mother Maria struts through the door with her posse of vampires known as the Seahaven* vampires. Just imagine naming your group after a small town in Oregon that you so happen to live in.

She always wore a special pair of white gloves in all of her outfits. Today, those gloves were off and held in her hands. One of her cultists adoring fans handed her a lipstick.

As soon as it touched her hand, it turned into a mixture of mercury and mud like goop. "I'll get you a new one."
*Not a real town.
"Great, more cultists." Tolmeron's deadpan voice indicated a mixture of sarcasm and contempt.
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

Oliver looked over and raised an eyebrow "another vampire?" he licked his fangs after he said that, confused he thought he was the last one
Mother Maria (played by Jaws)

"Cultists? They are my loyal customers," Mother Maria said to Tolmeron. "Indeed," her posse said all in sync.

"There is a whole population of us in Seahaven." A vampire with pink hair said to Oliver.
"…" Tolmeron remained silent, his fingers beating a tattoo against the bolt pistol mag-locked to his fauld.
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

Oliver perked up "there is? " he comes over "i wonder why i havent heard of you guys" he looked over at mother maria "i am guessing your their leader?"
"Hey Mathius, I'm back. I'll be able to provide units of Scout Marines and Vanguard Marines from my company for our efforts to…" He tailed off when he saw the new arrivals and promptly facepalmed. "Oh for Emperor's sake. This is the problem with cultists. They multiply nearly as fast as Orks."
Mother Maria (played by Jaws)

Mother Maria smirked and put on her gloves. She snapped her fingers, and one of her posse walked up with a tablet. "Jot down; Get Crazy Lux Lipstick in pink. End."
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

Oliver looked confused "sorry?"
Mother Maria (played by Jaws)

Oliver Williams wrote:
Oliver perked up "there is? " he comes over "i wonder why i havent heard of you guys" he looked over at mother maria "i am guessing your their leader?"

"Seahaven is a small town after all." Mother Maria reached out to shake Oliver's hand. "You're too kind. Without them, I wouldn't be as high in position as I am now."
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

He gently took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her hand gently smirking softly gently letting go "Name is Oliver Williams, and i believe that is so miss?"
"We're gonna need more brothers to deal with this."
Mother Maria wrote:
Mother Maria struts through the door with her posse of vampires known as the Seahaven* vampires. Just imagine naming your group after a small town in Oregon that you so happen to live in.

She always wore a special pair of white gloves in all of her outfits. Today, those gloves were off and held in her hands. One of her cultists adoring fans handed her a lipstick.

As soon as it touched her hand, it turned into a mixture of mercury and mud like goop. "I'll get you a new one."
*Not a real town.

"I thought I told you that I won't serve you....."
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

He stepped inside and saw Tolmeron "Brother-Captain Messinius and Brother-Lieutanant Tolmeron. I made it. I have Marines at the ready"
"As do I, Brother-Captain Aphael."
"At his own request, Venerable Lexicanum Hagios will be joining us." Tolmeron explained. "Having him here will certainly help."

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