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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Mother Maria (played by Jaws)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Mother Maria wrote:
Mother Maria struts through the door with her posse of vampires known as the Seahaven* vampires. Just imagine naming your group after a small town in Oregon that you so happen to live in.

She always wore a special pair of white gloves in all of her outfits. Today, those gloves were off and held in her hands. One of her cultists adoring fans handed her a lipstick.

As soon as it touched her hand, it turned into a mixture of mercury and mud like goop. "I'll get you a new one."
*Not a real town.

"I thought I told you that I won't serve you....."

"No, but I got something to deliver." Mother Maria puts a box on the bar counter before leaving again with her posse following after her.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude immediately takes the box before anyone has a chance to be nosy. "Come to Mama."
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

"Citizen.....please hand me the box. My brothers and I shall inspect the box. We do not trust that woman..."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude looked at him up and down. "Are you serious?"
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

Mother Maria wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Mother Maria wrote:
Mother Maria struts through the door with her posse of vampires known as the Seahaven* vampires. Just imagine naming your group after a small town in Oregon that you so happen to live in.

She always wore a special pair of white gloves in all of her outfits. Today, those gloves were off and held in her hands. One of her cultists adoring fans handed her a lipstick.

As soon as it touched her hand, it turned into a mixture of mercury and mud like goop. "I'll get you a new one."
*Not a real town.

"I thought I told you that I won't serve you....."

"No, but I got something to deliver." Mother Maria puts a box on the bar counter before leaving again with her posse following after her.

Oliver watched her leave with them, he got a sad look on his face, he had finally found other vampires and they were gone again, he sighed and went into the corner where there was a table and sat down
Claude Cá Rô wrote:
Claude looked at him up and down. "Are you serious?"

"It's okay, Claude. Give it to them"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Tsk." Claude handed Donatos the box. What was in the box is a pair of leather gloves.
"Hmmmm…" Tolmeron stares at the contents of the box. "Hagios, can you see something we can't in these?"
Venerable Lexicanum Hagios (played by randomentity777)

"Let me see…" The eyes of the Dreadnought's death mask glow blue as the Librarian interred within reaches out with his psychic power. "It is…unusual. There is a powerful energy field coming from those gloves, but I cannot make sense of it. It is clouding my witch-sight."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Are you done? I would like my gloves back."
Venerable Lexicanum Hagios (played by randomentity777)

"I think in the interest of safety, these gloves should be stored somewhere secure. They are likely some sort of conduit to the power that the cultists wield."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"They are special because they are immune to my power," Claude said with her annoyance came through and long gone was her chill facade. She grabbed a random tin can and took a bite of it.
"Ma'am, we have no idea how potentially dangerous those gloves are. We need to deal with these cultists, since there appear to be two different groups, which may or may not be connected."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"You got the dough to replace the gloves?" Claude seemed to less annoyed with the mention of her favorite thing in the world, money.

She finished eating the can however though.
Venerable Lexicanum Hagios wrote:
"I think in the interest of safety, these gloves should be stored somewhere secure. They are likely some sort of conduit to the power that the cultists wield."

He walked over "can you lower them so I can see them? I can help. We're both knowledge keepers"
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He walked in. Piano immediately stared mewing and running to Claude...his.....mew-mmy. Piano climbed up her pantleg and up to her chest. Oniyan approached afterwards.
Lucania Accendino Være-Magisk (played anonymously)

Lucania wandered in, staring at something on his phone, as he approached the counter. Then he looked up from it and held it up, "Hey, sorry if this is a bad time, but I'd like to order."

The phone had a text message from some kind of messenger app, the contact's name was "uncle 🪄" and the text message said "Luca, could you pick me up a bottle of whiskey? show them this message so they'll know you aren't just a rebellious teen trying to get a drink. the money for it is on the kitchen counter, be sure to pick it up on your way out."

Lucania spoke up, "I need a small bottle of whiskey, I have the money for it, it's for my Uncle." He reached into his pocket with his other hand and pulled out some money, placing it on the counter.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude picks up Piano and starts to pet him, occasionally rubbing behind his ears. "Hey, Oni." She gave a quick kiss him on the cheek.

"Now if you agree, we can sign an contract which in nutshell for your safety," she said to Tolmeron. "So you can guarantee I won't cheat you out of anything, because only scummiest of people break contracts."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Lucania Accendino Være-Magisk wrote:
Lucania wandered in, staring at something on his phone, as he approached the counter. Then he looked up from it and held it up, "Hey, sorry if this is a bad time, but I'd like to order."

The phone had a text message from some kind of messenger app, the contact's name was "uncle 🪄" and the text message said "Luca, could you pick me up a bottle of whiskey? show them this message so they'll know you aren't just a rebellious teen trying to get a drink. the money for it is on the kitchen counter, be sure to pick it up on your way out."

Lucania spoke up, "I need a small bottle of whiskey, I have the money for it, it's for my Uncle." He reached into his pocket with his other hand and pulled out some money, placing it on the counter.

Claude stared at Lucania with blank expression. "Jeez, you don't even look old enough to get a drivers license. According to my Unc and the fact this isn't the 80s up in here, I can't sell it to ya."

"Now, scram and find something else."
Lucania Accendino Være-Magisk (played anonymously)

Lucania furrowed his brow at Claude, lowering the phone, before eventually just putting it back in his pocket. "Damn it." Lucania crossed his arms, glaring at Lucania, before turning on his heel, getting ready to walk out, but he stopped, and without turning back around, he gently snapped his finger and suddenly one of the wine glasses turned into a frog and croaked loudly before hopping off the table, startling a few of the customers.

The money he left on the counter magically disappeared too.

Lucania then quickly went back to walking again towards the door, trying to flee the scene, with a smirk on his face. He knew damn well he wasn't supposed to use his magic in public, but.. it was too fun to mess with people using it.

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