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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

It didn't take her long to notice one of the wine bottles are missing. "Halt, young mister!" Claude shouted after Lucania.
Lucania Accendino Være-Magisk (played anonymously)

Lucania then darted towards the door quickly upon hearing Claude shout, attempting to open it before anyone could catch him, but he was fumbling to open the door.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude placed Piano on the counter and slid over the bar counter. She power walked up to Lucania.

"Can't leave with merchandise. Hand it over."
Lucania Accendino Være-Magisk (played anonymously)

Lucania's hands slipped off the door's handle and then he held his hands up.
"I don't have anything!" Lucania stated, fighting a smirk back.

The frog croaked and hopped past the two.
The frog was the wine bottle..
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"A frog? Why you, meddling little brat?" Claude looked quite annoyed again.

"Now, scram! And tell your probably hangover uncle to came in next time and buy it himself."
Lucania Accendino Være-Magisk (played anonymously)

Lucania flinched, then snapped at her. "Hey! Don't talk bad about my uncle, you.. you.." Lucania struggled to find his words, and seemed a bit embarrassed that he couldn't think of anything to call her.

Suddenly, out of a purple smoke, appeared a tall man with long, dark brown hair with hints of grey in it, and a long cape and a nice, formal suit and tie outfit. "Luca."
Lucania froze and looked up at him. "Uncle, I-"

The uncle sighed and seen the frog, then snapped his fingers and the frog turned back into a wine bottle. "Please excuse him, I'm the one who sent him, I should have came here instead."
Lucania frowned, and then he was scooped into his uncle's strong arms. The uncle seemed to have no problem holding the teen.

"She called you probably hangover!" Lucania stated.
The uncle gently placed his finger on Lucania's lips, telling him to be quiet, then grabbed the wine bottle off the floor and handed his back to Claude.

Lucania hung onto his uncle's neck like a baby koala bear, but, like, a grumpy baby koala bear.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude chuckled at the boy trying to defend his uncle's honor. Speaking of the devil, she saw an mysterious man coming out of the purple smoke.

Claude briefly coughed from the smoke but overall stood her ground. "Well, my Unc wouldn't appreciate me selling to a kid anyways."

Seeing the frog turned into the fought over wine bottle, Claude smirked. "We can make a deal for the wine bottle."
Tolmeron stares at Claude. "Ma'am, we are a brotherhood of genetically engineered super soldiers. Paying off couriers because we confiscated cursed relics from them is not in our business. Just be happy that you are alive." He hands the box over to Mathius. "Hagios will use the warp to try and divine the nature of the threat we are dealing with. Once he's provided us with the information we need, we can act."
Venerable Lexicanum Hagios (played by randomentity777)

"I see two cults…the one with the woman who had the gloves is of little concern to us. But the other…the boy…their goddess…Mathius is right. There is a great terror within, and it is coming for us all…" The Dreadnought suddenly starts glowing. "REMOVE YOUR PRESENCE FROM MY MIND, CREATURE OF THE EMPYREAN!" There is then a sound so terrible it cannot be described, and the Dreadnought's sarcophagus explodes.
"Well, I think that clearly defines the nature of our enemy."
Tolmeron wrote:
Tolmeron stares at Claude. "Ma'am, we are a brotherhood of genetically engineered super soldiers. Paying off couriers because we confiscated cursed relics from them is not in our business. Just be happy that you are alive." He hands the box over to Mathius. "Hagios will use the warp to try and divine the nature of the threat we are dealing with. Once he's provided us with the information we need, we can act."

Charlie walks up to the soldier. "Sir, kindly pay my cousin back, or give her the gloves. I can vouch for her as a trustworthy individual, I assure you she isn't going to be using those for anything evil. If need be, I will scan them myself. It will provide far more results than whatever scanners you have.""
"Financial compensation will be arranged with regards to the gloves, but we will maintain custody of them as they are a potentially dangerous item connected with a dangerous cult. Although the other cult is of more concern to us, as their goddess has managed to slay our Librarian after his attempt to analyze the nature of the threat."
"If you could provide the finacial compensation now, and let me do a scan of the gloves, that would be lovely, sir. My cousin clearly needs them, so I intend to make a duplicate copy, hopefully without any possible... malware, lets call it, the cult my have put in them."
Tolmeron hands Charlie a bag of thrones to give to Claude. "The gloves are from a cult. It's more than likely to be a trap, so I'm afraid I cannot allow you to duplicate them. If your cousin desires gloves so badly, she can acquire some on her own."
Charlie sighs. "I really didn't want to have to do this. Well, I suppose i did try to resolve it diplomatically, but you soldiers are all the same, all orders with no thoughts of your own." She sighs once more, pulling up a digital window, an image of the box, it's contents and most of the information coming up. "I do thank you for standing still long enough though. The scan took a bit longer than i thought."
"Insolent little--! If your father was not standing here I would have you punished for speaking to an Angel of the Emperor in such a manner." Feeling the thirst rising within, Tolmeron takes some deep breaths to calm himself and not let it overwhelm him.
Charlie pouts a little. "Oh no, poor little angel. Why should I hold any respect for you other than my upbringing to show respect?"
"As I said before, my cousin clearly needs those gloves. I am my mothers and fathers daughter, and I do not intend to leave a beloved family member in need."
Seeing that Tolmeron was clearly being pushed, Messinius steps in. "The fact that your cousin specifically wants those gloves indicates that whatever power lies within them has taken a hold of her."
Charlie glares at Vitrian. "I suggest you leave this subject be, now. I will not allow you to talk like that about Claude. Should anything happen, then I shall take full responsibility, but I do believe that I can handle something such as Cultist gloves far better than you and your military."

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