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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Lucania Accendino Være-Magisk (played anonymously)

Claude Cá Rô wrote:
Claude chuckled at the boy trying to defend his uncle's honor. Speaking of the devil, she saw an mysterious man coming out of the purple smoke.

Claude briefly coughed from the smoke but overall stood her ground. "Well, my Unc wouldn't appreciate me selling to a kid anyways."

Seeing the frog turned into the fought over wine bottle, Claude smirked. "We can make a deal for the wine bottle."

The uncle raised a brow, a soft smirk appearing on his face. "I would prefer whiskey, you can keep the wine."

Lucania muttered something underneath his breath and closed his eyes, resting his chin on his uncle's shoulder.

"Once again, sorry for the trouble my nephew might have caused." The uncle added.
It's Messinius's turn to be offended, and he glares at Mathius. "Control your offspring, or you will not have the support of my chapter in this campaign."
Charlie glares once more at Vitrian. "I do not need, controlling, as you say it. I am doing what I see is right, and should I cult try to play any tricks, or harm my cousin, I will deal with them myself, and see to it they are never seen in the existence of history again."
Volitivo Cane Piccolo (played anonymously)

Where did Volitivo go anyway?
Did he leave? Or was he somewhere in the bar?

If someone looked for him, they would find him underneath a table, still making origami things out of the extra camp flyers, unaware of the cultist talk drama.
(Why did that make me laugh?)
A spasm of rage crosses Messinius's face, and he angrily puts his power fist through the bar, leaving a large hole. He then turns and storms out. "You will no longer have the help of the White Consuls in dealing with these cultists and their false goddess."
Charlie types a few things on a second window, repairing the broken bar. "Ugh, Soldiers, All the same, always demanding respect as if they are entitled to it, even when not deserved."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Leave it, Charlie. Thanks to the kind gentleman," Claude points out Tolmeron, "I have found betta business."

"It's really no problem. He isn't the first teen to attempt to buy booze in here," Claude said to Luca's uncle. "In exchange for your choice of whiskey, I was wondering if you could make some gloves for me."
(I got no idea what the gloves do. Charlie is simply trying to help out claude. It's fine.)
(That as well.)
(The gloves, if I'm corect, didn't come from you. Came from Mother maria or someone.(
Tolmeron turns to Aphael. "With all due respect, Brother-Captain, this issue no longer concerns us."
(Well, I am, so...... Yeah, idk what you want from me now. This entire thing, has been about the gloves.)
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He smiled at Claude.
*sleepy floof*
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He went and put a blanket over his girlfriend's sister.
Tensai (played by randomentity777)

"So I hear you have a girlfriend now, Oniyan?"
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Tensai!" He hugged her. "Yeah her name I Claude!"
Tensai (played by randomentity777)

"Well I'm proud for both of you." Tensai smiles as she's hugged by her fellow Saiyan. "I'd certainly like to meet her sometime."
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"She's really pretty." He said with a blush

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