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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Yasu (played by Reithesniper)

Yasu turns back into her nornal form, she has a tail as well, which she uses to bat Toska in the face-
Another tail moment?
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Suddenly, Matt would then... slither in? What th- "Damnit! I got slimed!"

Toska wrote:
"Is there a onsen nearby? I feel the need to treat myself to some self-pampering." The oni sat up all the way, interested in Silvera's knowledge of battle. Oh, what products did she use to get soft fur and hair?

"I don't think there's any nearby, but if this bar is anything like Quark's, they'll probably have some holosuites in which I can whip up a recreation of the Hoobishan Baths."
Provence (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Insert Provence, with her large, fluffy tail, because why not...
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"Can someone kill me off or something?! I do NOT like being a slime here!" Matt said angrily, but it's hard to take him seriously because he's a slime now.
Matt wrote:
"Can someone kill me off or something?! I do NOT like being a slime here!" Matt said angrily, but it's hard to take him seriously because he's a slime now.

"If you insist." Messinius takes out his plasma pistol, and unloads the weapon into the slime Matt until the pistol overheats. "Did that work?"
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Yup, Matt is ded now. His ghost puts a thumbs up. "Yup, thanks dude."
Zoe Kojima (played by SoulHeart57)

She looks around. "are we all having a tail moment?"
Fumizuki curls up in a ball with her fluffy tail sticking out.
((Tensai and Ronal have tails as well, but theirs aren't floofy like Fumizuki's.))
Provence (played by AgitoAceXIII)

((Provence's tail is like...really huge lmao))
Fumizuki continues to relax. Her tail is smol, but very fluffy.
Joot (played by Jooters)

"OH! OH! I HAVE A TAIL TOO!" Exclaimed Joot. "It recently grew a lot! It's big and fluffy and nice to hug and sleep with!"
Vitrian Messinius wrote:
Matt wrote:
"Can someone kill me off or something?! I do NOT like being a slime here!" Matt said angrily, but it's hard to take him seriously because he's a slime now.

"If you insist." Messinius takes out his plasma pistol, and unloads the weapon into the slime Matt until the pistol overheats. "Did that work?"

He glared at the Captain "a-freakin'- hem"

He thrust a finger towards the weapons box. "You know better....."
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

She would think for a moment and laugh a bit "I don't use much product in my fur, just wash them out once a day with running water and whatever soap happens to be nearby. Taking care of your fur is the simplest way to keep it soft and fluffy" she poofs out her tails as she notices the tail-off going on. She was 7 foot tall in this form... so her tails might be one of the biggest sets in the group
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He glared at the Captain "a-freakin'- hem"

He thrust a finger towards the weapons box. "You know better....."

"He asked me to."
Oscura (played anonymously)

Oscura kicked the door open, holding a big, oversized axe in his hands that he could barely carry.
The axe had something red on it, but was unclear if it was blood or not. But there was a high chance it was indeed, blood.
Yasu (played by Reithesniper)

Yasu kinda just walked over "You gott a license for that axe?" She'd ask jokingly, looking at the apparent bloodsplatter on it "But seriously why are you holding that you look like a kid-"
Akagi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

And in the great tail-off...obviously Akagi has nine tails. Perhaps more but I'm not gonna count.

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