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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Roja Oscura wrote:
Oscura kicked the door open, holding a big, oversized axe in his hands that he could barely carry.
The axe had something red on it, but was unclear if it was blood or not. But there was a high chance it was indeed, blood.

"Please place your axe inside the weapons box"
Oscura (played anonymously)

Oscura looked at Yasu, gave her a wide smile, then turned his head to Mathius. "I don't wannaaaa." He whined, dragging the axe forward a little, splintering the wooden floor a bit.
Joot (played by Jooters)

"I got it!"

With a wave of his staff, Joot tried lifting the axe up in the air with gravity magic to disarm Roja.
Oscura (played anonymously)

Oscura was surprised as the axe was slowly being taken from his hands, "Heeey, give that baaaaack!" He whined again, furrowing his brow, reaching up to try and grab the axe that was now floating, and dripping blood.
Yasu (played by Reithesniper)

"Alright kid, she'd mutter, her tail reaching up and causing the axe to visually become as clear as glass basically-
Arizona (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Is a weapons box really necessary if nobody's gonna follow it?"
"Some of us are less willing to part with our weapons. For example, I would not cast aside the power fist I wear, especially since it was personally gifted to me by Lord-Regent Guilliman himself."
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

She would walk over and nod a bit, taking the bloody axe in hand and looking around, placing it in the box herself. "The only real way you can get to keep your weapons is if you take it up with me or math first and we have to converse and decide if you get to keep it. If we deem you a possible threat with it, we shall take it."
"And some of us have our valid reasons for that."
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

She was spitballing this new version of the rule, but she would walk over and look at the space marine "you have killed someone with one of your guns, it does not matter if they begged for it, hand over any firearms you currently have to be placed in the box"
Dobermann (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"I doubt he's going to just hand it over." And yes, Dobermann does in fact have her trusty whip, raveled up on her hip.
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"It is my job to be the bouncer and the rule maker when it comes to safety for this establishment after all, to creatures such as many of you, I may not look like much, but I do have the ability to take the majority of you down without breaking a sweat"
Messinius begrudgingly places his plasma pistol in the box, then heads over to a booth to silently fume about all of this. "Can't even administer the Emperor's Peace without getting written up. These people are unwilling to see any perspective other than their own, and this does not make them good allies."
Dobermann (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"And before you ask, I'm not surrendering anything of mine."
"You're lucky that Tyberos isn't here anymore, Silvera. He would have gutted you on the spot if you attempted to take Hunger and Slake away from him."
Oscura (played anonymously)

Oscura sighed, a grumpy frown on his face, upset that his axe was taken away.

"Well, I have another weapon, one you can't take from me!" Oscura said, stomping one of his feet. "I can spit poison!"
Pizzard McWizard (played anonymously)

Pizzard would then look over to Roja before teleporting righ lt next to him. "Wanna see a magic trick?"
Oscura (played anonymously)

Oscura looked at Pizzard, then nodded confused. He seemed interested.
Pizzard McWizard (played anonymously)

"Ahem. Explode yer CENSORED and small your a*s, get bent losers, turn Matt into a slime like LAST TIME!"
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

She would walk over to the kid and sigh a bit "first off all it is venom or acid, not poison. Second of all, do I need to place a mask over your mouth so you don't hurt anyone"

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