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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Miele Dolcezza (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He brought the tall glass of juice out to the boy.
Miele grabbed the glass gently and drank out of the straw, quietly.
Shochu wrote:
Shochu's smirk turned to a face of horror. He quickly rushed to his cannon and picked it up. "My baby! This is irreplaceable without a Master Attendant."

"In the box...."
Shochu (played by Jaws)

"Soon, my baby." Shochu placed his cannon into the box with a frown. "They grow up so soon," he dramatically says and wipes imaginary tears with his finger.
*confused floof*
Shochu (played by Jaws)

"Don't be confused, small child." Shochu said after noticing a confused Fumizuki. "I'm mourning the brief parting of my cannon," he added. The cannon had scratches over it and smelled of a fresh coating of polish. The spirit took a sip of his drink and simply sat on the floor next to the box.
"My cannon is right here." Fumizuki gestures to the 12 cm/45 3rd Year Type naval gun hanging from a strap around her shoulder.
Shochu (played by Jaws)

A smile take its place on Shochu's face as he admired the naval gun. "What a beauty! It is quite swell to know another cannon fiend around these parts." His brow crumpled all of the sudden, and he started to scan the room for something. "They don't make you put your cannon in the box?"
"It's part of my rigging, like these." Fumizuki gestures to the torpedo tubes sticking out of her backpack. "Plus Drael is my Papa."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi returned to the bar. She gently opened the entrance doors and adorably waddled her way onto a booth. She then sat down to munch on a tofu sandwich.
Enterprise (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"I mean, shoot, I've got a whole flight deck."
Shochu (played by Jaws)

"I'm starting to think that he is picking on me." Shochu sighed and struggled with trying not to frown. Or maybe it was that his cannon isn't attached to his body? Don't tell him that though or he might try to super glue his baby to himself.
He spoke into Shochu's mind "That's just Drael. He's a mean bastard. Imagine defending universes with him. Our brothers Mytt and Soki can confirm. Get your cannon."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi proceeded to communicate telepathically in Shochu's mind.

"And I love cheering universes up with my endless supply of happiness! Also, you should try eating a tofu sandwich, it's amazing!" She squealed telepathically.
Narta Aumora (played by Narta)

Sips on some water!
Shochu (played by Jaws)

Shochu stood up instantly and quickly bowed towards Mathius. He grabbed his cannon and hugged it. "Tofu sandwich?"
Shochu wrote:
Shochu stood up instantly and quickly bowed towards Mathius. He grabbed his cannon and hugged it. "Tofu sandwich?"

The weapons box had completely repaired any imperfections that were on the cannon.
Meanwhile, Dax is sitting at the bar enjoying her morning Raktajino.
The Captain (played anonymously)

The Captain entered the dimly lit bar and was surprised to find Dax seated there. Trills were a rare sight in this sector. Nevertheless, he approached her with a warm smile. "Good morning," he greeted, ordering a Raktajino for himself.
Ewe (played anonymously)

Ewe wandered in, but not on his feet. Ewe was on the shoulders of a tall, mysterious wolf man, who had a very threatening air.

"What's a bar?" Ewe asked. "It's a place where the humans get drinks that make them dizzy." The wolf muttered.
"Dizzy drinks?" Ewe raised a brow. "Yeah, dizzy drinks." The wolf approached the counter, then carefully got Ewe off his shoulders and sat him on one of the stools.

The wolf looked the employee at the counter up and down with narrowed eyes then spoke, teeth bared. "Two beers, and whatever you think the lamb will like."
The wolf asked, shoving a few coins on the counter, they were covered in dirt, but other than that, were legit coins. Ewe kicked his feet on the stool gently, watching curiously at everything.
The Captain wrote:
The Captain entered the dimly lit bar and was surprised to find Dax seated there. Trills were a rare sight in this sector. Nevertheless, he approached her with a warm smile. "Good morning," he greeted, ordering a Raktajino for himself.

"Greetings." Dax nodded to the other Starfleet officer. She had never seen him before and had no idea who he was, but she still acknowledged him regardless.

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