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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Claude Cá Rô wrote:
"My boyfriend wouldn't hurt a fly out of nowhere," Claude replied and wiped the bar counter. "We could use more of some craft beers."

"I'll put them on the next order"
Milo Valentino wrote:
Milo walked in with a black button up shirt, but it was only half buttoned up, his chest showing, the sleeves making his muscles look like their bulging out as the fabric was tight around his muscles, he work light blue jeans with some holes in them, and white vans. He looked around the place he had a smile on his face, he came over to the group "hello everyone, My name is Milo, Milo Valentino, I am hoping to make new friends, and perhaps meet a women to fall in love with" he said with a deep voice, he had an italian accent. Definently seemed like a romantic type of guy and perhaps passionate as well

"Hey pal! Welcome to Trixie's. We have a full menu if you would like some food and drinks"
Ewe (played anonymously)

Big rolled his eyes at Milo. "What a show off." Big spat underneath his breath, narrowing his eyes, before glancing off to look at Ewe, who was playing with the plastic jar of toothpicks that was on the table.
Ewe noticed Big looking at him, and smiled, before shaking the toothpicks, and continuing his focus back on said toothpicks.
He was seated in a large chair and had his arms folded and his eyes closed.
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

Milo smiled at mattius "thank you sir, this establishment is very put, very beautiful inside here, do you have a fine wine? " he asked, tilting his head before over hearing Big, he looked over "sorry?
Charlie sighs. "Sir, please show a little decency and button up the rest of you shirt. If needed, I can provide you a new one. It's ok to have shirts that don't fit."
Ewe (played anonymously)

Big raised a brow at Milo, "Hm? Nothin', didn't say a thing." Big's wolf tail flicked once against the booth seat, stifling a smirk.
Ewe was unaware of whatever was going on, because his focus was toothpicks.
"No fighting" he boomed in his thunderous voice and he looked at both Big and Milo with a serious expression..
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

MIlo looked at the beautiful women that had said that he smiled "sorry miss, it fits, just a style but i can cover up if you would like" he buttoned up his top before reaching behind and pulled out a red rose before holding it out to her "for you madame"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

She waved at Milo Valentino. "I'm Claude, the bartender of Trixie's for the time being." Claude placed multiple bowls of trail mix on the bar counter.
Charlie blinks, taking the rose. "Uh... thank you, I suppose. Anyways, can I get you something to drink?"
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

"hello claude" he smiled and nodded his head at her before looking back at charlie "ah yes please a fine wine"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Coming right up." Claude went to grab a bottle of red wine and poured Milo a glass of it. "You should worry about Mr. Loathrio over here," she whispered to Mathuis before putting the cork back onto the wine.
Ewe (played anonymously)

Big looked over at Ewe and was mildly surprised to see he wasn't there. "Dammit lamb, where'd you go now?!" Big's wolf ears slicked back.

Ewe had wandered to the counter, shaking the plastic jar of toothpicks like a small maraca, and then tried to get Claude or Mathius' attention. "Excuse me, do you have any apple slices? I like those." Ewe smiled, his tiny sheep tail waggling gently.
Charlie smiles, snapping her fingers as 2 apples float from the back, falling into equal slices with the cute bunny ear cuts in them. "Here you go."
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

Milo's eyes widen seeing her snap two fingers and the apple slices appear, he tilted his head "how did you do that?"
Charlie blinks, unsure of how to describe the 4th wall, her coding, the truth of life... just how her magic works. "Uh..... Magic?"
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

"like real magic or the hokey pokey kind of magic?" he chuckled softly "if its real, i always thought it was real but never saw it in person, my grandmother told me stories of it"
Ewe (played anonymously)

Ewe gasped and giggled at Charlie making the apple slices appear. "Thank you! Big'll pay for them." Ewe pointed at Big.
"I'll what now-" Big furrowed his brow, his ears slicking back again.
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

MIlo noticed so he thought he should do a peace offering since he started off on the wrong foot, he pulled out his wallet and handed her 5 bucks "there you go, on me"

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