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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Binty (played anonymously)

The eventually ran out, but she looked happy to help, walking over to a table, and lying down on it "Nap time"
He returned to work with a massive grin on his face..
Pow (played anonymously)

Pow popped up from behind a counter, "You look happy Mathius" She'd say, "What has you in such a good mood?"
Altiuiri (played by Jooters)

Altiuiri glared at Pow.
"Aren't you one of my underlings? What on Earth are you doing here?! I don't pay you to be at a bar!"
Pow (played anonymously)

"We goblins are 1 time workers, unless Im being consistently paid-"

"And I make weapons not do general household chores-"
Karlach (played by randomentity777)

"I don't think the smol goblin blacksmith answers to anyone."
Pow (played anonymously)

"You ever fix that engine in your chest?"
Karlach (played by randomentity777)

Karlach shakes her head. "No. I need someone with experience handling infernal engines, and also some infernal iron to help fix it."
Pow wrote:
Pow popped up from behind a counter, "You look happy Mathius" She'd say, "What has you in such a good mood?"

"I'll tell ya,later..."
Altiuiri wrote:
Altiuiri glared at Pow.
"Aren't you one of my underlings? What on Earth are you doing here?! I don't pay you to be at a bar!"

"Don't make me call her boyfriend...." He taunted
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Korby outside is just outside, now uh, idk. Nomming on those stones that Keeby had. "om nom nom-"
Keeby (played anonymously)

And of course, Keeby is trying to pull Korby away. "Dang it, Korby! Stop eating the stones! We didn't even figure out what the side effects might be!"
Altiuiri (played by Jooters)

Pow wrote:
"We goblins are 1 time workers, unless Im being consistently paid-"

"And I make weapons not do general household chores-"

"Consistent payment?!?!" Altiuiri said, looking offended and surprised. "My my, people today ask far too much!"
Pow (played anonymously)

"Drael is not my boyfriend, hes a very good friend!-" She say rather embarassed, because who wouldnt be-
Surtr (played by AgitoAceXIII)

And there is Surtr, drinking at a bar, her large sword carefully with her, not being used or even hinted at any use, because why would you try to take Laevatain from her? She can wallop just about anything, and is imposing enough that.... know what, I can't justify this.
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Korby then suddenly throws Keeby into the window because of the interruption of eating the dang stones. "Keeby, stop trying to hold me back! Besides, I haven't had breakfast this morning!"
Surtr (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"...Do I even want to know?"
Keeby (played anonymously)

"AAA-" And Keeby then crashes into the window, just like Kirby gets pushed into the fourth wall.


(This is for reference lol)
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Lily would look at Mathias "hey, can you help untie me?"
He went over to Lily and began undoing the knots.

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