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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Yin (played anonymously)

It's kind of hard when the more experienced version of yourself, your future self has to reflect upon the things you've done in the past. He sits in silence finally finishing the final bottle of plum wine. Twenty wasn't bad. He normally finished about one hundred. Folding his arms against the bar he would lie his head down on top of them resting his head. Constant reminders everywhere of the things you did wrong and the things you don't have anymore. His ears picked up the echoes of the siblings playing games, of a concerned daughter checking on her father, and a daughter and father discussing some upcoming issue. His red eyes focused on his reflections in the wine bottles as he remained silent in his seat at the bar.
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

"Yuji-kun? You know him personally?" Kaiza raised his eyebrow because last time he checked that Sukuna's vessel or Yuji was a student of Gojo Satoru, his idol.
Fumiko quickly turns her head, blushing. "W-we.. w-well we hang out from time to time... As friends..." She lowers her voices, muttering to herself "Sadly..."
His body reanimate and he finally sat up. He found nothing.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
His body reanimate and he finally sat up. He found nothing.

What he could find was Azumi standing in front of him.

"Why are you on the floor?" She tilted her head innocently.
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
His body reanimate and he finally sat up. He found nothing.

What he could find was Azumi standing in front of him.

"Why are you on the floor?" She tilted her head innocently.

"Meditation. I separated from my body"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude leaned on the bar counter like always. Jonesy sat on one of the bar stools, typing away on a clunky computer. A air of eerily sadness hang around the two. "Do you think that it is time?", Claude asked in a hushed voice.
Jonesy Reyes (played anonymously)

On the counter next to Jonesy laid a stack of books with a pair of glasses on top of them. "Can we wait a bit?", she replied with a frown.
He looked over at his oldest "Claude, you have any idea where your boyfriend is?"
SiriOS (played anonymously)

Someone ran in with a cart that had a computer set-up on it, they seemed panicked. "Here! Take it! I don't want this thing, it's.. it's haunted.. No one else will take it, please-" They stated, before fleeing, leaving this mysterious computer set on a cart, in the bar. What was that all about?
"A haunted computer? Where's a Mechanicus tech-priest when you need one?"
SiriOS (played anonymously)

The computer stayed shut down, as it was unplugged.
Maybe someone should try plugging it up to see what this 'haunted' thing was all about?

..It was probably just someone freaking out over a computer virus..
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

Vickie found herself intrigued by the alleged haunted computer. Leaving the comfort of her chair where she unwound from her duties as a police officer, she ventured to investigate. Approaching the computer, she approached cautiously, noting the eerie glow of the dormant computer inside. With a blend of curiosity and duty, she plugged it in.
SiriOS (played anonymously)

The computer started up, it seemed normal, the logo popping up, the loading screen, the start-up noise..
.. Until it got to the desktop, where a young boy, around the age of thirteen, sat on a clock widget. He was eating what seemed to be a .txt file labeled 'notes'.

He didn't even seem to notice Vickie.
Jonesy Reyes (played anonymously)

"I have no idea." Claude said to her dad. Jonesy slipped out of her bar stool and creeps closer to the computer. "Let's see how this baby works," Jonesy said to Vickie. "There is a little boy. How adorable!"
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

Vickie's pulse quickened as she watched the computer boot up with seemingly normal processes—the familiar logo, loading screen, and startup sounds echoing in the quiet room. But her curiosity turned to bewilderment as the desktop came into view: there, perched atop a clock widget, sat a young boy, no older than thirteen, casually munching on what appeared to be a .txt file labeled 'notes'. Despite Vickie's presence, the boy remained oblivious, absorbed in his peculiar activity as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

She nods to Jonesy, "Just seems like a normal computer." She says.
Jonesy Reyes (played anonymously)

"I wonder why that guy was so freaked out though," she said. "What if?" Jonesy leans against the table and uses the mouse to click on a random file.
SiriOS (played anonymously)

The boy finally noticed Vickie and Jonesy, then blinked in mild shock. He dropped the half-eaten .txt file and the screen glitched briefly and the boy disappeared.
It remained this way for about thirty seconds, until a pop-up appeared on the screen.
Who are you?

There was no yes or no button, and the x button was greyed out, it was unable to be closed out if one would try.
SiriOS (played anonymously)

(( Sorry, missed a post!! ))

The file Jonesy clicked on opened off on the side, but the pop-up remained on the top.
Jonesy Reyes (played anonymously)

(It's no problem!)

"Huh..Try typing in your name." Jonesy looks at Vickie, waiting for her next move.

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