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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

Vickie furrows her brow slightly, contemplating the unexpected pop-up on the screen. The disappearance of the boy and the glitch gave her a strange sensation, a mix of wonder and caution. With a thoughtful nod to Jonesy, she reaches for the keyboard and begins typing, her fingers tapping out her name in a deliberate manner. As she finishes, she watches intently, wondering what response, if any, the mysterious computer might have to her answer. It's a moment where her detective instincts merge with her architectural curiosity, eager to uncover more about the enigmatic presence that had briefly inhabited the digital realm before them.
SiriOS (played anonymously)

The pop-up disappeared, a whole minute passed with no response.
Until the boy appeared again, the area where he appeared growing glitchy temporarily until he was visible again.

He picked the .txt file up again and held it.

Suddenly, a mangle of various words of voices that seemed to be gathered from the internet, began speaking. "VICkie, WHERE am I❓❔"
"WHERE is THIS [Do you want to allow Location Access?]."
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

Vickie's eyes widen at the sudden cacophony of voices emanating from the computer, a disorienting mix of questions and fragments of speech. She does a quick glance to Jonesy. Tentatively, she addresses the boy on the screen, her voice calm yet tinged with curiosity, "You're on a computer. Can you hear us?" She wonders aloud, trying to make sense of the bizarre situation unfolding before them, her instincts urging caution as they navigate this unexpected interaction with what seemed like a digital consciousness.
Jonesy Reyes (played anonymously)

Jonesy jumped back in a shock when she heard the mix-mash of voices. "It speaks!" Excitement hung high in her voice as she looked at the computer. "I don't know why that guy was so freaked out."
SiriOS (played anonymously)

"I [can] HEAR YOU. I [can] HEAR THE [other options] 2.99"

The boy then took a bite out of the .txt file again, and munched on it some.
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

Vickie gives a puzzled glance to Jonesy, "Me neither." Vickie now wishes to decipher the cryptic messages coming from the computer. She leans in closer to the screen, addressing the boy with a mix of concern and curiosity, "Can you tell us more about where you are? Are you trapped in this computer somehow?" Her mind races with questions, her police training urging her to gather more information while her architectural curiosity wonders about the nature of this digital phenomenon.
SiriOS (played anonymously)

"I am [DEAD or Alive]."

"I am not [A]-live."

The boy finished eating the file. Good luck trying to read that file now..

"This is [My PC] NOW. I [LIVEstream] here."

The boy then grabbed another file, a software, and vigorously shook it until it opened up. It seemed to be a vocal synthesizer software.

The cursor began moving on its' own, clicking options and stuff on the software, until it loaded up a voicebank, and finally, the boy's voice, replaced with a young, british boy's voice instead of the mangled up voices gathered from the internet. "I haunt this computer, like a computer virus." The boy stated, sitting on the window of the vocal synth software.
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

Vickie watches with a mix of fascination and unease as the situation unfolds before her eyes. The revelation that the boy's voice has now transformed into a clear, British accent through the vocal synthesizer software adds another layer of intrigue to the mysterious presence they're encountering. She considers his words carefully, her mind grappling with the implications of a haunting that isn't quite supernatural but intricately tied to technology. "You're like a digital ghost," Vickie muses aloud, her tone a blend of respect and curiosity. She glances at Jonesy, silently wondering on how to proceed with this unprecedented encounter, mindful of the delicate balance between curiosity and caution.
Jonesy Reyes (played anonymously)

Jonesy just stood by and watched the whole interaction between Vickie and the wee little computer lad. "Who trapped you in here?," she asked.
"Nope." Messinius randomly T-poses and floats upwards, clipping through the ceiling.
"Did... he just T pose out of existence?"
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

"No." She smirks, "Just through the ceiling."
SiriOS (played anonymously)

Jonesy Reyes wrote:
Jonesy just stood by and watched the whole interaction between Vickie and the wee little computer lad. "Who trapped you in here?," she asked.

"I was not trapped. I possessed this computer on my own." The boy replied, laying down on the window, gently picking up the cursor that was above him and held it as if it was a plush.
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

Vickie feels a chill down her spine at the boy's assertion of possessing the computer willingly. Her architectural and investigative instincts clash as she tries to comprehend the implications of a digital entity claiming agency over a machine. "How did you come to possess this computer?" she asks cautiously, her voice steady despite the unsettling nature of the situation. She glances at Jonesy, silently conveying a mix of concern and fascination at the boy's seemingly playful interaction with the cursor, unsure of what boundaries or rules governed this strange digital realm.
Fumiko walks around, feeling restless. She already beat her brother in mario kart, is was bad for him. She doesn't have any projects she's currently working on, meaning she can't think of something to do. Maybe she could look for someone to train with?
Jonesy Reyes (played anonymously)

Jonesy looks back at Vickie with a puzzled look. "Never in my hacking career, I've encountered this," she said aloud. The scream of a defeated loser could been heard in the background.
Charlie walks out, confused. "Did someone call for a digital goddess?"
Jonesy Reyes (played anonymously)

"No." Jonesy turned to look at Charlie.
Charlie pouts, slinking back into the staff room, mumbling sadly.
Fumiko paces around the bar, stil bored, looking for Kaiza.

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