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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Joli D'argent (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Welcome to Trixie's, son"

Joli slowly stood up to his feet. "Uhm, thank you!" He squeaked, before nodding at him softly in respect.

"Are— Are you an employee here? Or the manager?"
Joli D'argent wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Welcome to Trixie's, son"

Joli slowly stood up to his feet. "Uhm, thank you!" He squeaked, before nodding at him softly in respect.

"Are— Are you an employee here? Or the manager?"

"I'm currently running things here, yes. How may I help?"
Joli D'argent (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"I'm currently running things here, yes. How may I help?"

"I'd— I'd like a part-time job, if available, please!" Joli spoke up, pulling his hands to his chest anxiously.

Fumiko throws a random chunk of amber she had at Theo. "Don't ever disrespect Coldplay! Or we'll have problems, got it?"

(I thought slapping him was too disresepctful)
"Cool your jets, ninja warrior, I'm allowed to have an opinion."
"I said no disrespect. That is the one opinion I will not allow you to have. You can politely dislike them, but no disrespect to them!"
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

The supplier of the amber sighed and went over to Theo. "I'm so sorry for her behavior," he said.
"Eh, every team always has one loose cannon. If it's not the Hulk, it's that walking punching bag Deadpool."
Fumiko fumes in a cute chibi anime style.

"Although actually, Jetstream Fubuki here reminds me of this guy I recently had to deal with. His name was Jason Todd, and he's almost always spoiling for a fight against pretty much anyone." Theo was clearly poking fun at how Fumiko's chibi form looked like a certain Vtuber, and how her blades reminded him of a certain video game character.
She fumes at him again, bonking her hands on his armor with surprising force for what appears to be just a human, but not as much as normal as she's holding back, and is in a chibi form.
"Does anyone else feel a draft?"
She grows to her full size, winding up a punch. "You'll be feeling more than a draft in a second-"
Theo just stares blankly as the fist approaches him. "Oh."
There is probably a decently sized dent/crater in his armor now. I don't know how strong it is, but she didn't use her gauntlets which give her access to cursed energy reinforcement.
Blanche (played anonymously)

Blanche entered the bar, and saw Theo flying across the floor.
He blinked in surprise, but did not flee.

Blanche placed his knife in the weapons box, and watched this interaction between Theo and Fumiko curiously.
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

With a clap, Kaiza shot amber at his sister's gauntlets. The amber formed around them. "Really? You are fighting someone over a mere opinion."
"No, I punched him because he insulted me." She pulls the amber off them, scrapping it into a bag labeled 'Amber Core Supplies'."
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Montrier Arcaze wrote:
Montrier's eyes narrowed as she continued to ask him questions. He couldn't give everything away, so he had to find another lie to tell to keep his identity a secret - because, as mentioned, everyone believed that he was dead. He only narrowly escaped death, but he started his new life elsewhere all with the evil intent of taking over his kingdom even if it meant a slaughter. He cleared his throat a bit, looking forward instead of at Azumi.

"Personal reasons," he replied after a moment of thought. "I have something I need to get done. I need recruits to do so."

"Recruits? It sounds like more than just some work. What type of work are you looking to get done?"

"That entirely depends on what you're capable of," Montrier narrowed his eyes, the rest of his face hidden from view. "There is opportunity for a great many of people, but I'm more interested in findng magic-users. They can do things that I simply can't."

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