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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Chieftainess Orme Lavende (played by CielaAzure)

Milo Valentino wrote:
Milo makes his way over and smiles to the women "hello, uh well we have apple juice, or some pineapple juice?"

"Apple is fine, thank you." She smiles cordially and fixes her sleeves. She takes in her surroundings, marveling at how different everything is around here.
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

He nodded smiling before going into the kitchen and making a glass of apple juice before coming back and placing it in front of her "there you go beautiful" he smiled "how are you love?"
Chieftainess Orme Lavende (played by CielaAzure)

Milo Valentino wrote:
He nodded smiling before going into the kitchen and making a glass of apple juice before coming back and placing it in front of her "there you go beautiful" he smiled "how are you love?"
She looks over with a side glance, both her petite hands holding the apple juice “never been called that one before. Well, to be frank things have been very stressful. But that’s been my life for quite some time.” She casually sips on the juice. “Stumbled upon this place and I could smell the fruit so… figured this would be a good place to relax for now.”
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

He chuckled "beautiful or love? Sorry if it makes you uncomftorable-" he listened to her and nodded "oh wow, well you can come here anytime you want to relieve some of that stress" he smiled sweetly
Chieftainess Orme Lavende (played by CielaAzure)

Milo Valentino wrote:
He chuckled "beautiful or love? Sorry if it makes you uncomftorable-" he listened to her and nodded "oh wow, well you can come here anytime you want to relieve some of that stress" he smiled sweetly
“Nah I’ve heard ‘Beautiful’ before… up until the part everyone freaks out about how my kind does stuff.” She sips some more, dipping her head back further. “I appreciate it though. And based on how good this juice is… you’ll probably see me more often.”
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

He smiled big "well i hope so. And what do you mean what your kind does?"
Chieftainess Orme Lavende (played by CielaAzure)

Milo Valentino wrote:
He smiled big "well i hope so. And what do you mean what your kind does?"
She raises an eyebrow with just a quiet- but slightly uncomfortable- grin. “let’s just say… my stinger does more than just hurt.” She leaves it at that for now, downing the rest of her juice. She wipes her mouth with her hand, and stares at the empty glass in some measure of disappointment. “Would it be too much to ask for more?”
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

"you kill?" he rose an eyebrow "nah of course not!" he smiled and grabbed a piture he had of apple juice and poured her some more "since its your first night here, and i like you so far, its on me for tonight"
Chieftainess Orme Lavende (played by CielaAzure)

Milo Valentino wrote:
"you kill?" he rose an eyebrow "nah of course not!" he smiled and grabbed a piture he had of apple juice and poured her some more "since its your first night here, and i like you so far, its on me for tonight"
“Sure.” She replies dryly. “Let’s go with that answer.” Despite the ominous tone, she does anxiously reach for the cup like an expectant child and begins drinking it up.
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

"okay im guessing it wasn't kill- so what is it? i promise i won't judge" he nodded, he was intrigued by her, so he sat down across from her since htere was no one else here at the moment
Chieftainess Orme Lavende (played by CielaAzure)

Milo Valentino wrote:
"okay im guessing it wasn't kill- so what is it? i promise i won't judge" he nodded, he was intrigued by her, so he sat down across from her since htere was no one else here at the moment

“I am an Emerald Jewel Wasp. And we’re most famous for…” her eye twitches to even saying it. “Emerging out of cockroachs as larvae- or children if I use your human terms.”
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

MIlo gives a confused look "human terms?"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Xeno-morph style!" Claude scooted over to the two chit-chatters. "Sorry about that. You appeared uncomfortable with saying it."
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

MIlo looks at claude looking more confused then ever "i dont know what that means-"
Chieftainess Orme Lavende (played by CielaAzure)

She looks over at Claude with a look of relief and also confusion “I’m not sure what a Xenomorph is but… yeah, that.” She looks back at Milo. “I can’t explain all the details because it gets… gruesome. But imagine the world’s worst party trick.”
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"It's from the Predator movie. Ya know what, nevermind," Claude dismissed it. "Or better yet, nature documentaries. Not the cuddly cute ones, but the ones are considered gruesome or strange."
He made two mixing bowls of salad for Oniyan. It had cubes of roast beef, barbecue chicken, ham, croutons, a dozen eggs in each bowl, cheese, and his secret salad dressing recipe. "here's a light snack for you.."
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Thank you, Mister Mathius!" He started tearing into the salad.
Chieftainess Orme Lavende wrote:
A rather peculiar woman walks into the tavern, slinking a spear on her back between two pairs of wings. She sits down with a sigh and fixes her hair Excuse me... I know it's rather late but do you have anything non-fermented. Like something with juices, or nectar? After the day I've had, I really need something sweet to drink.

"Welcome to Trixie's. Please put your spear in the weapons box...."

He called out to Milo "Hey Milo.....I made her a plate of peach slices. Please take them to her"
Chieftainess Orme Lavende (played by CielaAzure)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Chieftainess Orme Lavende wrote:
A rather peculiar woman walks into the tavern, slinking a spear on her back between two pairs of wings. She sits down with a sigh and fixes her hair Excuse me... I know it's rather late but do you have anything non-fermented. Like something with juices, or nectar? After the day I've had, I really need something sweet to drink.

"Welcome to Trixie's. Please put your spear in the weapons box...."

He called out to Milo "Hey Milo.....I made her a plate of peach slices. Please take them to her"

She remembers the spear on her back and blushes a soft yellow out of embarrassment. “oh yeah… kinda forgot about this ol’ thing. Sorry about that.” She stands up and puts her spear inside, affectionately fixing the ribbon she tied on it. And then she sits back down and when she hears about the slices of peaches her antennae perk up. But she tries to stay on point in the conversation with Claude. “I have no idea what either of those things are, but yes. That’s how it’d be described.

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