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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Fumiko nods, still clinging to her mother. She is very much a mama's girl, partially due to Toji not being around much for the first half, and then dying nd neeeding to be brought back. He still felt a bit bad about that, but most agression was towards the clan for giving him misinformation about his family's whereabouts.
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

"Ever wonder about studying about you know what?" Kaiza passed over a Campus notebook to his sister. The cover was stained with pizza grease and had a bunch of stickers on it. The pages were filled with info and drawings of curses ranging from Grade 4 to Special Grade.
Samuel (played by Icysoul)

Samuel watched everyone silently, their fox mask on. They were smiling gently under it, though no one could see.
He decided to sit on the roof and used his limited clairvoyance so he could look at his wife and two children. After a few short minutes, he jumped from the roof and landed and without breaking stride, he went back inside.
He came into the bar. He had a bruise on his cheek. He looked at Claude "your boyfriend hits extremely hard, but sparring him gets the blood flowing. He's beginning to master his Super Saiyan levels. He said he hopes to be able to see and spar these other Saiyan friends of his. Manico and Tensai are their names....."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude's face flashed in worry when she saw the bruise on Drael's cheek. "Wh-" Curiosity replaced the worry as Drael quickly explained. "There are more Saiyans? And what is this 'Super Sayian'?" Claude said like an journalist towards gossip.
Five Hargreeves (played anonymously)

Five was at the counter, wearing a paperboy hat, an oversized parka and a fake (but looked real enough) mustache.

He looked to whoever was working the counter, "A black coffee mixed with whiskey." Five slid some money on the counter.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude held out her hand towards Five. "ID first?" With the nice mustache Five had, she assumed he suffered from the classic baby face gene. Then again, she also saw high schoolers look like they've been paying off their hefty mortgage. "Don't worry, it's a new requirement in place."
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

MIlo walked in yawning, he looked like he was in a bad mood as he walked past everyone into the kitchen to put his apron on
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude turned her attention to Milo. Strange, she noted. She quickly returned her attention back to her current customer. It wasn't her problem to deal with.
Claude wrote:
Claude's face flashed in worry when she saw the bruise on Drael's cheek. "Wh-" Curiosity replaced the worry as Drael quickly explained. "There are more Saiyans? And what is this 'Super Sayian'?" Claude said like an journalist towards gossip.

"There were more Saiyans. He said he hasn't seen them. Super Saiyan means their hair turns golden and their power spikes significantly. This reminds me: you really aren't bothered that you're taller than Oniyan? I mean it makes sense why he wanted to be with you because Saiyans have an innate preference to be with strong women..."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Oh? Something happened to them?" She leaned forward even more, ignoring the customer who scooted to the next stool over. When her father mentioned about the height difference between her and Oniyan, she shrugged. "Why I would be bothered? I'm taller than half of the men I see on the sidewalk, Dad." She couldn't believe this was coming from the guy who is 7'9".
Olivia (played anonymously)

Suddenly, Olivia bursts into the bar, holding a very heavy crate of olives. Jesus. Freakin'. Christ. (oh, and not to mention, fake peppino was pancaked by the door because i think a window's next to the door. ouch.) She would then yell in a excited tone.

"I got the olives!"

Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"...owie... :("
Five Hargreeves (played anonymously)

Claude wrote:
Claude held out her hand towards Five. "ID first?" With the nice mustache Five had, she assumed he suffered from the classic baby face gene. Then again, she also saw high schoolers look like they've been paying off their hefty mortgage. "Don't worry, it's a new requirement in place."

Five reached into his pocket and pulled out not an ID, but rather a file that referred to him. It showed an old man with a fedora and suit however, but it said Five Hargreeves, and his age was 58. "Don't have an ID, but I've got this." Five stated flatly.

(( I always have no idea what to do with this question because like, idk if Five has an ID, and I feel likes it is a bit ooc to just willing give a person a file of himself, but oh well, RP LOGIC!! >:) ))
Olivia wrote:
Suddenly, Olivia bursts into the bar, holding a very heavy crate of olives. Jesus. Freakin'. Christ. (oh, and not to mention, fake peppino was pancaked by the door because i think a window's next to the door. ouch.) She would then yell in a excited tone.

"I got the olives!"


Charlie quite literally jumps onto her girlfriend, tackling her to the ground hugging her tightly.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude took the file and compared the photo on the file to Five standing before her in his ridiculous parka. "Forgot to renew your photo?" She handed him back his file and began brewing a new pot of coffee. Claude returned back to her station and leaned towards Five. In an quiet tone meant only for Five to hear, she said, "Slid in some extra bucks and I'll see what I can do."
Five Hargreeves (played anonymously)

Five took the file, putting it away. "You could say that."
He watched the coffee starting to be brewed, before Claude leaned towards him.

Five gave a smile that could only be described as someone that could kill. "I don't get a senior discount, huh?" Five sarcastically asked, being quiet as well.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Senior discount? Not if you want to pay 75 cents for a sippy cup." Claude retorted back with her own sadistic grin. "Now, pay up." She held out her hand towards Five once more.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi was unironically drinking a "sippy cup". It was full of fruit juice. Beside her was Ren, who had 2 "sippy cups" of vegetable juice.

"Do I have to?" Ren complained

"'Tis healthy for a young man such as yourself" she smiled at her son.

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