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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

He looked at Akira and listened to her question "Yes, citizen. More importantly, my Brothers and I are instruments of The Emperor's might. We suspect that man there with the golden hair is a Brother of ours. Whether he is not, or his mind was bewitched into forgetting, we cannot say" He gestured to Drael.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira put one fist into her other open palm and bowed respectfully to the man, "Then I thank you for your service. Your men fight bravely and with honor."
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

Fumiko Zenin wrote:
"Oh no, I meant I'd test on you to see how the black flash felt. Either that or help me find yuji." Fumiko grins with a sinister look. It probably isn't the first time she's bonked her little brother over the head with an invention, after all.

"No, I'm meeting with the higher ups for my promotion." Kaiza went to pack up his things into his messenger bag. A flyer for a popular advice columnist, Miss Kokomi, fell out of his bag. He reached to grab it but it quickly flew away.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Seeing the flyer fall away, Akira whirled her hands and used her command over the air to grab it before she walked up to Kaiza and handed him the flyer back, "Here, I believe this is yours." She offered him a warm smile.
A door is thrown open by a small strange creature, it was a small grade 4 curse its eyes were filled with hearts, its mind currently no longer its own. Clack Clack Clack. Uh oh, here she comes, The Lovehearts sorcerer arrives!

She walked in, reapplying her lipstick after getting the info she needed by whatever means were nessary... "Quite the nice place" She'd mutter, before kicking the little frog curse so quickly and violenly, that its head disappated immediately, its body following too
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

"Thank you." Kaiza bowed and took the flyer. "I'll see you later at home." He said to her sister before smiling back at Akira.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira noticed the new arrival and smiled at her, "Hello." Then she went and sat back down at her table to continue drinking her tea.
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

Miryu Ikazuchi wrote:
A door is thrown open by a small strange creature, it was a small grade 4 curse its eyes were filled with hearts, its mind currently no longer its own. Clack Clack Clack. Uh oh, here she comes, The Lovehearts sorcerer arrives!

She walked in, reapplying her lipstick after getting the info she needed by whatever means were nessary... "Quite the nice place" She'd mutter, before kicking the little frog curse so quickly and violenly, that its head disappated immediately, its body following too

Kaiza quickly bowed towards Miryu and muttered a incoherent apology before retreating to the comfy corner filled with pillows and bean bag chairs. He sit down on one and opened back up his laptop.
"Hello to you too—" She'd stop looking at Kaiza, who suddenly bowed in her direction.. she loves the attention, but still. Now placing a hand on the back of her head, as she didnt know if she should apologize for him bowing like that... she'dsit down at the counter, confused on where she actually ended up.
Miryu Ikazuchi wrote:
"Hello to you too—" She'd stop looking at Kaiza, who suddenly bowed in her direction.. she loves the attention, but still. Now placing a hand on the back of her head, as she didnt know if she should apologize for him bowing like that... she'dsit down at the counter, confused on where she actually ended up.

(huh. These 2 are the same age. Probably would've been classmates in Jujutsu tech.)
Maybe, would be interesting if they got history, Ill let you decide if so or not!
Samson (played anonymously)

Samson immediately noticed the pink haired woman, impressed by her appearance and her height that looked like she might be over six feet tall. He decided to buy her a drink.
Miryu plays with her own cursed energy between her hands, molding and warping it freely, similar to sukuna her cursed energy was being outputted as a flame of sorts. Unlike him however her flame was pink, the color that love is known for. She'd smile waving her hands and putting out the passion flames.
Watch Captain Artemis (played by randomentity777)

"Well, guess it's that time of the day again." He heads outside of the bar to fight a giant space octopus. "DIE, XENOS SCUM!"
Messinius returns just in time to see his fellow Space Marine go barrelling past him to fight the giant space octopus. "Well it's about time someone did something with that thing. It grabbed one of my chapter's gunships the other day."
Samson (played anonymously)

Since Miryu was not paying attention to him, Samson turned to look at Vitrian, "Nice armor." He remarked, nodding his head in approval.
You didnt say anything 🫠
Samson (played anonymously)

(Right before she plays with her own energy, the post before that, Samson bought her a drink. ^_^)
Samson wrote:
Samson immediately noticed the pink haired woman, impressed by her appearance and her height that looked like she might be over six feet tall. He decided to buy her a drink.

(Rei... lmao)
Samson (played anonymously)

(Yep, that was it. *LOL*)

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