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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"Quite well, I believe she'll out rank me one day, Ive taught her all i could really, because between me and you, shes a better sorcerer than me-" She'd whsiper
He looked out the window and paced a few times.
Lucas (played by Icysoul)

Lucas sat in the corner of the tavern with a book in front of him, feet propped up on the table in front of him. He had his headphones on, soft music playing as he turned the page.
Fumiko laughs, slowly burning through the alcohol in her system. The body of the Heaven'y Restricted truly is something to behold. "She has grown a lot since we first met her as a first year. She should be graduating soon as a 4th year, along with Yuji-kun. It's a shame Megumi isn't there... but his sacrifice was noble. I hear Maki-san is also making a name for herself, and ever since Inumaki-san learned Reversed Cursed Technique, they say he's on his way to becoming Special grade."
"And here I am, struggling to make it past grade two... I suppose I should be cashing in a favor or too, considering Mei Mei owes me soem favors for saving her brat.." She'd roll her eyes "Grade one.. here I come-"
FUmiko nudges her gently. "Don't worry, you'll make it soon. Plus, it's not all it's made out to be. Papa tells me that being a special grade kind of sucks to be honest, and I'm on my way their with Inumaki-san, althought I think he might get their first. He was a grade one sorcerer as a second year after all.
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

Kaiza returned and joined the table where his sister and her friend were sitting at. He seemed bummed out. "I didn't get the promotion," Kaiza muttered. "Who knew that they could use emails?"
Fumiko frowns. "Why not? I've checked your mission records lately, you've done great, and you're graduating soon. Did they give you a reason?"
Miryu has just the slightest feeling that this was a family issue rather than a simple "no" from a bunch of old dudes-
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

"Those old fleabags don't need a reason," Kaiza said. The whole thing felt like a fist to his gut. It didn't matter how many missions he did successfully or how well he did in his classes. It was clear to him that higher ups viewed him as simply not good enough. "Iori-sensei works her blood, sweat, and tears in her career, but they just dangle her promotion over her head."
In walks Blaidd, his mask off and a human knight in tow.
The human wears elegant armor of silver with a small blue cape. He only wears one gauntlet, his right hand covered by a leather glove. His helmet seems to have a queen chess piece on top, sticking out like an antenna. In one hand is a light looking greatsword that gives off a slight icy aura while in his other is a metal staff with a blue gem at the top.

"Let's get you a drink, Adam." Blaidd said. "That fight was rough, but your blade struck it down with mighty force!"
Adam remained silent, but seemed to appreciate the compliment.

Blaidd approached the bar. "Two glasses of your finest wine, please!"
Alethea (played anonymously)

"Put that on my tab." Alethea said after she noticed Blaidd and the Knight came in after apparently having fought each other. So, she'd figured buying them each a drink was the prudent thing to do.
He started mopping up the floor.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi was in the midst of munching on a small bucket of fried crickets she bought from KFC. One may wonder, "How on earth did KFC manage to make crickets marketable?".

"It is not the KFC you think!" Azumi smirked at the narrator "I bought from Kanto Fried Crickets! They just happen to have the same acronym! Furthermore, crickets are rich in many nutrients other than protein, including omega-3 fatty acids! Of course, a spirit such as myself would see no need to worry about nutritional intake!"
Cosmo (played anonymously)

Cosmo was floating mid-air, holding baby Poof in one arm, and using his free hand to eat a taco he materialized out of thin air with his wand earlier.
Cosmo wrote:
Cosmo was floating mid-air, holding baby Poof in one arm, and using his free hand to eat a taco he materialized out of thin air with his wand earlier.

"Being a father is one of the best jobs, don't you think?"
Fumiko is tinkering with her gauntlets. She added small, almost unnoticable indents on the fingertipes, they seem like they connect, and more slots into the side, probably for more Amber Cores or something.
He sighed. He seemed to be distracted by something on his mind.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Drael Chizkith wrote:
He sighed. He seemed to be distracted by something on his mind.

"Is something the matter?" Azumi tilted her head as she continued to chomp on fried crickets.
Yasu (played by Reithesniper)

Yasu tumbles out of a stock pot, in her Tanuki form. The Tanuki walks into the open bar, and turns into a small flat rock on the ground at the smell of a kitsune

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