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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Fumizuki wrote:
Drael Chizkith wrote:
He was seated on a large couch.

Fumizuki is also sitting on the couch, doodling some sketches of the bar.

He had drifted off to sleep and was snoring quietly.
"Charlie, why don't you and Olivia hang out?"
She nods before asking the dreaded question. "Papa, how do I ask a boy out?"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Demand it," Claude said while squinting at Charlie. Her face was blurry and it looked bland to her again.
Glip (played by Reithesniper)

Glip is still monching on his pastry, you know... here did he put his ship-
Claude wrote:
"Demand it," Claude said while squinting at Charlie. Her face was blurry and it looked bland to her again.

"Wouldn't that be rude? Also would you like to order something?"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Sorry, mistranslation. Be confident about it and nope!" Claude then chugged her glass of wine in one gulp.
She nods her head, accepting the advice of the wise and pretty lady. Too old for her though.
Olivia (played anonymously)

Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Olivia wrote:
Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Charlie codes a star shaped badge with the words Forklift Certified on it and gives it to Oliva.

Olivia would then smile and then bowed to Charlie, as in saying thanks.

"Well, I appriciate the badge, miss! Thank you!!"


"Want to be friends? I've never had a friend before. I've always wanted a female friend to gossip with like mortal women."

Olivia's eyes widen before thinking for a few seconds before nodding quickly. She doesn't even have to even say the answer for this one! She also gave Charlie a small little derpy smile.

Charlie returns the derpy smile.

(Crap. Do I go for the cute paper girl, or the cute space femboy? psssh, just go for both. B)
Tyler Hunt (played by Joshie2003)

Tyler noticed claude looking at him, so he grabbed his beer and walked over to her "may i buy you a drink?" he smiled sweetlly
Charlie bursts out laughing, knowing the reason why Claude was looking at him. "S-sorry, sorry, carry on."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Nah, I got me some wine already." Claude avoided looking at Tyler for some reason. She couldn't even tell if the man's eyes were hazel or brown.
Tyler Hunt (played by Joshie2003)

Tyler looked confused and sat down across from her "tell me why are you looking at me like that? and why do you keep looking away? i don't really know you so what could i have done wrong?"
Charlie is on the floor dying of laughter.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Hey, what are you laughing at, Squirt?" Claude turned around to looked at Charlie then back at Tyler. "Apologies, I'm in a grumpy mood."
Tyler Hunt (played by Joshie2003)

"you do not seem grumpy to me, and whatever is going on is making that short girl laugh like crazy" he looked over at her
She wipes a tear from her eye. "S-sorry miss... it's just really funny... I... ahah.. ahahh... I know why you see people as blurry some.. sometimes... and his efforts are funyy.... ahahahahahaha"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude runned up to Charlie and crouched down. She harshly whispered to her, "How the hell do you know that?" Claude looked back at Tyler and spoke, "She means blurry by my terrible eyesight."
*confused floof*

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