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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Linda Danvers (played anonymously)

Linda, a hint of excitement in her voice, nods gratefully at Delilah's invitation. "Oh, thank you!" she exclaims, pulling out a chair and settling in across from Delilah. "This place is really something, isn't it? So much going on!" She looks around, taking in the lively atmosphere with wide-eyed curiosity.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Charlie Kothinto wrote:
She growls. "Next time he comes back, i'm erasing his code from the fabric of reality.If he threatens my family again..." A bunch of holographic windows open, all showing errors screesn as her temper rises, random things, events in history, people, planets, timelines, being completely erased as her anger grows.

"Now, dear niece" Azumi frowned "I do not think violence would be solved with more violence. It only agitates the situation further"

Charlie simply stares at Azumi, a blank look on her face as electricity crackles around her, connecting her to every single screen as more of them open and close, various errors and pop ups vanishing and appearing in the blink of an eye. "Who.... Who are you...?"

"I-it's m-me!" Azumi said, terrified, "Auntie Azumi! I'm close friends with your father, remember? Please don't hurt me! I have a son!"
Delilah Camp (played by Joshie2003)

She looked around as well "YES, I suppose it is" she smiled looking back at Linda, chuckling
((a bit of insight, if you watch dragon ball, think of it like Gohan's rage boosts. She essentially got so angry at the dude that she ended up losing control of her divine power, and it grew even more after that, temporarily taking her over. This is kind only half charlie.))
Arch-type001 (played by Crowned_Eagle)

Emerging from a portal he would immediately be met by his scouting droid replaying the recorded data collected from the bar. At this point it would display an angry Charlie essentially scrolling through time and space. "What is the purpose of showing me this scout? So she's incredibly strong for a demigoddess. What of it?" His eyes narrowed as he grinned looking at Charlie from the feed. "What a burden information is? Am I right Charlie?" His crimson eyes lifted from the image. "I may have to destroy her first it seems." He sighs softly taking a seat in the massive ship. "So many obstacles and all the time in the world...." He giggles softly too himself.
Olivia (played anonymously)

Olivia turned to Arch-type001 "Hey! Leave her alone! Who do you think you are?!" Olivia snapped angrily. She really hates t when her friends gets taunted...
Arch-type001 wrote:
Emerging from a portal he would immediately be met by his scouting droid replaying the recorded data collected from the bar. At this point it would display an angry Charlie essentially scrolling through time and space. "What is the purpose of showing me this scout? So she's incredibly strong for a demigoddess. What of it?" His eyes narrowed as he grinned looking at Charlie from the feed. "What a burden information is? Am I right Charlie?" His crimson eyes lifted from the image. "I may have to destroy her first it seems." He sighs softly taking a seat in the massive ship. "So many obstacles and all the time in the world...." He giggles softly too himself.

She turns suddenly to the east, sensing Arch Type far off in the distance. "You.... this is your fault... It's you...." she mutters to herself, before vanishing. In the blink of an eye, she's in front of him, on his ship, and for a brief moment, there is absolute calm in her eyes. "Let me explain why I call myself a demigoddess. It because I don't feel like I'm worthy to call myself a goddess on the same scale as my mother, but make no mistake. You ar nothing but a spec of dust to anyone in my family." And with that, she places a finger on his head, making a flicking motion. In that very moment, every single possibility, anomaly, timeline, event, person, thing, that was erased during her loss of control is replayed in his mind and infinite number of times. "Remember your place, mortal."
Arch-type001 (played by Crowned_Eagle)

(I'm not currently in the bar any longer. You were just a tad bit late.)
Linda Danvers (played anonymously)

Delilah Camp wrote:
She looked around as well "YES, I suppose it is" she smiled looking back at Linda, chuckling

Linda nods, intrigued by Delilah's response. "So, what brings you here, Delilah?" she asks, her curiosity piqued.
Delilah Camp (played by Joshie2003)

"Had a long day at work, and needed a drink, thought I would make some friends, maybe a lover" she nodded and smiled "you?"
Arch-type001 wrote:
(I'm not currently in the bar any longer. You were just a tad bit late.)

(Do you mind if I change it to where she actually senses him and appears in front of him on his ship?)
Arch-type001 (played by Crowned_Eagle)

(Nope don't mind at all.)
(okie dokie, one sec :33 Tyyy)
(andddd done!)
Linda Danvers (played anonymously)

Delilah Camp wrote:
"Had a long day at work, and needed a drink, thought I would make some friends, maybe a lover" she nodded and smiled "you?"

Linda smiles warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'm glad you came here. I'm always up for making new friends," she says cheerfully, reaching for her drink. Leaning forward slightly, she asks with genuine interest, "So, what do you do, Delilah? You seem like someone with a fascinating job."
Delilah Camp (played by Joshie2003)

"well...I wouldn't say fascinating...I work with dogs, where they can board, do daycare, and get groomed" she said nodding, she took a sip of her wipe, gently picking the excess off her lips
Linda Danvers (played anonymously)

Linda smiles warmly, nodding in understanding. "That sounds like a fulfilling job," she replies, leaning slightly forward with interest. "Being around dogs all day must be quite rewarding. Do you have a favorite part of working with them?" Linda takes a sip of her drink, her curiosity evident in the slight tilt of her head.
Arch-type001 (played by Crowned_Eagle)

His crimson eyes widen as she places her finger on his forehead. Many thoughts would go through his mind until everything went blank. It was all distorted. What seemed like a lifetime for him would only seem like a few seconds for her. This would continue until he stood up from the chair slowly. "I know, know. This is an extremely odd time for compliments but let me be the first to say. Wait, am I the first? Nevermind. Your power is incredible. I mean I've met so many fascinating people with wonderous abilities. Sadly they are no longer with us. Not exactly sure what happened to them though. I'd give you a guess, but that would just be wasting your time wouldn't it?" He stands before her holding an indifferent expression as he looks at her. "Did I go to far with the family comment?" He runs a hand through his long strands pushing his hair back. "And I haven't even started yet. You must be one of those proactive types."
((the switch up is hilariousss xDDD))
Arch-type001 (played by Crowned_Eagle)

(Sorry I should've added more wording pointing towards sarcasm. It's all sarcasm.)

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