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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"I will finally see what it is.."

He tried to imagine it, but nothing come in his imagination, that made him confused here.

"This place is awesome, how long does it exist, say?"
Olivia (played anonymously)

Olivia would then be pushing a crate of random fruits, trinkets, and other useful things she could find while doing the usual. (as i mean the usual, the fruitpicking.) "Heavy load coming through!" Once the crate was inside, Olivia then just go full on bean mode.

Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

While he waited for the food, he took his knife and tapped his glass with it, trying to make some music with it, which worked, he borrowed more glasses, and kept on tapping, but then, he stopped, he noticed the crate and the little origami lady.

"Now, that’s what i call 'strenght'! You must be very strong too"
Olly (played anonymously)

Olly would then walk in behind Olivia, yawning slightly before speaking. He probably had a long day. "Yup. That's my sister for you, dude. She's been getting her exercise in daily by heading out, picking some fruits and other things for this tavern. Mathius also hands her the pay too, if I remember." Olly would then walk over to a chair, and then sat down, rubbing his forehead slightly. "Oh jeez, I'm tired... I'd go for a cofee right now..."
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"You get paid for that? That’s actually great, all that work are my puppets shows.. It’s an all-public thing"

And he get excited,

"And i will get a big audience accross the.. World! Or.. Worlds? With a 's'?.. Whatever, i like to help, what can i do here?"
Peewit wrote:
"You get paid for that? That’s actually great, all that work are my puppets shows.. It’s an all-public thing"

And he get excited,

"And i will get a big audience accross the.. World! Or.. Worlds? With a 's'?.. Whatever, i like to help, what can i do here?"

"You can start here if you wish.....paid gigs I mean. We've started doing really good business, and I'm trying to hire a live musician"
Olivia wrote:
Olivia would then be pushing a crate of random fruits, trinkets, and other useful things she could find while doing the usual. (as i mean the usual, the fruitpicking.) "Heavy load coming through!" Once the crate was inside, Olivia then just go full on bean mode.


He brought his prospective daughter-in-law her pay. His glowing blue eyes lit up a bit.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"A musician?!? Count me in! I heard that people have their preferences, what does they like here?"

He smiled even more, it paid to travel to so many places, finally.
Peewit wrote:
"A musician?!? Count me in! I heard that people have their preferences, what does they like here?"

He smiled even more, it paid to travel to so many places, finally.

"With that, welcome aboard"
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Peewit wrote:
"A musician?!? Count me in! I heard that people have their preferences, what does they like here?"

He smiled even more, it paid to travel to so many places, finally.

"With that, welcome aboard"

"AWESOME! I’m keeping being a real legend! With all the legends around!"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Peewit wrote:
"You get paid for that? That’s actually great, all that work are my puppets shows.. It’s an all-public thing"

And he get excited,

"And i will get a big audience accross the.. World! Or.. Worlds? With a 's'?.. Whatever, i like to help, what can i do here?"

"You can start here if you wish.....paid gigs I mean. We've started doing really good business, and I'm trying to hire a live musician"

"My goodness" Azumi giggled at Mathius "Did you honestly forget my little Ren? I'm sure I've told you he has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music Production! He's the perfect candidate for gigs!"
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"This tavern got so many people, i mean, interesting people, and creatures too, it’s closer to my place."

He left his seat just to observe what’s going on, the two dancers intrigued him now.

"Legends, so much legends!"
Squee (played by Drake_Lie)

Rolls in with the supplies
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Squee wrote:
Rolls in with the supplies

Noticing the mouse merchant, which is new for him, but he helped her with the supplies, until they are all in the tavern.

"Hop, here you go, you’re welcome."

And he returned on his seat, waiting for the food.
Olivia wrote:
Olivia would then be pushing a crate of random fruits, trinkets, and other useful things she could find while doing the usual. (as i mean the usual, the fruitpicking.) "Heavy load coming through!" Once the crate was inside, Olivia then just go full on bean mode.


"Hi fwend."
A taller individual walks into the bar and she sits down at the counter without a word. But she is smiling to herself, maybe in relief. She removes her bandana from her head and lays it on her lap like a napkin.
Kazehiki (played anonymously)

Kazehiki was sitting on the floor, his legs crossed, seeming to be amazed by a old handheld video-game he had found.
It was a Gameboy Color that had a copy of a Kirby game inside.

The place Kazehiki was sitting was near the end of the counter, beside one of the stools instead of actually on the stool.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

He hummed a little song and tapped on the table in rhythme,

Still waiting for his meal, then, he looked around, and he sighed.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a pity.. Is that some irony?"

Then he smiled, the rhymes were coming out of nowhere.

He feel inspired once more for some poetry.
Samson (played anonymously)

Freya Isla Daughtler wrote:
A taller individual walks into the bar and she sits down at the counter without a word. But she is smiling to herself, maybe in relief. She removes her bandana from her head and lays it on her lap like a napkin.

"Excuse me ma'am." Samson's deep voice resonated with an air of politeness, "Here, I bought you a drink." He set a glass of red wine in front of her.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira saw Peewit's food was just laying on the counter for some reason. So, she took it upon herself to deliver it to the musician, "Here sir, I brought your food." Then she added with a smile that played at the corners of her mouth, "By the way, I love the way you play. It is quite beautiful."

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