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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Claude wrote:
"Crud." Claude puts away her knife as Jonesy returns from the kitchen with a tray. The tray held a plate of owl shaped cookies, a tea pot, and a owl themed tea cup filled with a strange blue liquid.


"That strange rabbit man left his recipe book here," Jonesy said. He handed Charlie the teacup; the tea smelled like blueberries. "The recipe is called Mana Tea. I think," he explained, "Still unsure what is this 'mana', but I hope it helps."

She sips it gently. "Thank you..."
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

Alethea (played anonymously)

Alethea drinks down an entire tall glass of mead while keeping an eye on the goings on in the place.
(hi sorry to interrupt, but would anyone be interested in doing a romance rp? i have male or females)
Arch-type001 wrote:
He sits in silence presently back on his ship. He was all to familiar with the spell that sent him back before he could reach his portal. It was an extremely powerful banishment spell. Oddly very similar to the spell that got him banished from his origin realm in the heavens. Sitting angrily in the chair the tension would build in the air but he would calm himself as emotional instability was not a path he'd like to walk down again. It's odd though. Even this Charlie experiences a surge overload he thinks too himself. What else may be similar in this dimension? With a deep exhale he would recline in the command chair taking some time to reflect.

He tore through the hull of his ship with his hands.
"ah, well, its not in the bar, so what can I do?"
Astoria Lotus wrote:
Claude wrote:
"Crud." Claude puts away her knife as Jonesy returns from the kitchen with a tray. The tray held a plate of owl shaped cookies, a tea pot, and a owl themed tea cup filled with a strange blue liquid.


"That strange rabbit man left his recipe book here," Jonesy said. He handed Charlie the teacup; the tea smelled like blueberries. "The recipe is called Mana Tea. I think," he explained, "Still unsure what is this 'mana', but I hope it helps."

She sips it gently. "Thank you..."

He sat across from his wife.
She sighs softly. "How is charlie dear? While mana overloads in the grand scheme of things are bad... they do have an upside. They force someones mana reserves to grow and expand to try and match the sudden influx of mana before bursting. So she'll find she has a better capacity for her Divine mana when she wakes up..."
Charlie sits on the couch, curled up in a blanket.
Olivia (played anonymously)

Olivia would then crash through the entire freaking window before flopping down on the floor before getting up quickly. "I heard someone needs comfort?"

(also soul, wrong character xd)
(oop, lol)
Charlie blinks, her eyes wide and bulging in a comedic fashion. "OLIVIA?!"
Olivia (played anonymously)

Olivia turned over to Charlie before tackling her into a hug. "CHARLIE!" Olivia is indeed very happy to see her.
(don't forget dms lol)

Charlie blinks, weakly hugging back. "H-hey... Oow owowowow"
Olivia (played anonymously)

(I won't lmao-)

Olivia notices Charlie's in pain so she softens the hug. "Oh- Sorry, didn't knew you were in pain..."
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

"This must be Olivia..," Claude said as she crossed her arms. "Your girlfriend? Or just friends?"
"We recently started dating... but we don't really know how relationships work..." Charlie smiles, leaning on Olivia.
Olivia (played anonymously)

Olivia then nods softly, patting Charlie on the head. "But hey. It's a start at least... We just uh- need a little help on how relationships work since my brother Olly is busy teaching that yellow-haired pirate guy some stuff."
Charlie nods, blushing softly as she curls her legs up, resting her head in Olivia's lap.
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

Claude was a bit shocked on Olivia's need of advice. "I'm not qualified to give advice on relationships." She sits in a chair nearby, keeping a eye on her cousin.

Anyone she didn't know who went near got a dirty look from Claude.

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