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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

"Mr. Marine, I have never been in a war like you and M1917 but I have my fair share of death himself." Claude notices Piano on her pant leg and picked the kitten up. "It's fine, Oniyan."

Claude nudged her cousin back and laughed when Oniyan exclaimed that she had a gun.
Charlie giggles, sneaking away to the couch back with Olivia.
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

Claude stood and petted Piano before looking directly at Oniyan. "My my, it seems like Piano isn't the only one happy one to see me."
She shoots Claude a thumbs up.
"Yeah I know. Piano thinks you're his mama. You can be his mama if you want"
He glanced over at his oldest and the Saiyan and simply gave a knowing smile.
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

"Really? How sweet." Claude continued to pet Piano, scratching behind his ears once in a while. "Is that your way of asking me out?"

Claude chuckled and attempted to cover up the slight blush. She handed Paino back to Oniyan and leaned towards him. "'Cause I'll be honored to accept." Claude handed Oniyan a piece of paper that had her phone number on it.

"Feel free to call me anytime," she said and walked over to her father. Claude turned around and blew a kiss at Oniyan.
Delilah Camp (played by Joshie2003)

Delilah walked in humming soft before going to a table
He looked at his kitten

"I got a girlfriend, Piano!"
He looked up at Claude "It's about bloody time, you two...." He sipped more of the tea that Azumi brought.
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

Claude was flustered and sat with her father. "Dad, he is more special than a stranger I could easily get into my charm," she said.
Charlie giggles with happiness. "yes!!!!!"
"What did I miss?"
"You have a big sister now, and she has a boyfriend, and boys definitely have cooties, Fumizuki"
Charlie sighs. "I should not say what I just thought."
A quick read of his daughter's body language had him cover a grin on his face. He understood.
"Hi Claude's dad. I'm Oniyan and Im.a Saiyan from Namek....I'm Claude's boyfriend and this is Piano" He showed Drael the kitten
M1917 Enfield wrote:
"Mhm." How many bottles of alcohol can this woman go through, for real? Find out next epi— I mean next Great War.

(Adrian starred in the spinoff Iraq/Afghanistan)
Alethea (played anonymously)

Alethea's gaze met Drael's with a nod of profound respect. "Greetings, friend," she murmured, a warm smile curving her lips as she raised her wine glass to her lips and took a delicate sip.
He would return a nod to Alethea with a respectful smile. "Hello. Welcome back"

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