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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Alethea (played anonymously)

"Thank you," Alethea replied graciously, her voice tinged with sincerity. "It's good to be back. How have you been?"
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
A quick read of his daughter's body language had him cover a grin on his face. He understood.

((she can always date women is what she thought XDDDD))
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

"I can hook you up with my tailor if you need," Claude said after taking a sip of lukewarm beer from a can. "And, I'm talking about anyone in the family and my boyfriend. Hell, even Mr. Marine and M1917."

"I've been going to them since I was 12." Claude spoke of her tailor with pride.
Alethea wrote:
"Thank you," Alethea replied graciously, her voice tinged with sincerity. "It's good to be back. How have you been?"

"I've been doing exceptionally well."
"Hook me up- I'm not interested in total strangers."
Oliver walked in in a suit and tie, he fixed his tie, licking his lips he looked around, scanning the crew , he smirked "drinks on me, anyone want a drink?: he said pulling out a wad of cash
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

M1917 Enfield wrote:
"Hook me up- I'm not interested in total strangers."

Claude chuckled for a bit. "Nah, it's a metaphor. My guy is a suit tailor. Ya know, for business?"
Charlie recoils in disgust. "I'll pass..."
He went to Claude blushing deeply and started reaching for her hand, but he was nervous.
He rolled his eyes when no one answered "figures humans." he grabbed a beer for himself
"I don't need a suit anyway."
He poked his head out of the kitchen

"sorry Oliver. I was mixing up some potatoes for a loaded potato casserole special"
"its alright" he mumbled "these puny humans are the same, not very welcoming"
Oliver Williams wrote:
He rolled his eyes when no one answered "figures humans." he grabbed a beer for himself

She frowns. "Wow... who is he calling human? There is like...1 or 2 humans in chat right now."
"I'm not even human, no matter how much like them I look. Though maybe at one point I was one."
"doesn't matter, whatever any of you are " he looked over at her "not very welcoming, whenever someone new comes in, there is no welcoming mattius does all the welcoming"
"Nevermind, like, 1 human. If Claude is here."
Oliver Williams wrote:
"doesn't matter, whatever any of you are " he looked over at her "not very welcoming, whenever someone new comes in, there is no welcoming mattius does all the welcoming"

"I'm literally 17, not old enough to drink, and still recovering. What the hell do you expect? Rather entitled to be honest."
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

Oniyan the Saiyan wrote:
He went to Claude blushing deeply and started reaching for her hand, but he was nervous.

"Oh?" Claude looked at Oniyan and grinned before grabbing his reaching hand. "Better?"
"well im not saying you specifically, also i only said that to get someone to talk to me" he smirked playfully and teasingly

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