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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Claude Cá Rô wrote:
Oniyan the Saiyan wrote:
He went to Claude blushing deeply and started reaching for her hand, but he was nervous.

"Oh?" Claude looked at Oniyan and grinned before grabbing his reaching hand. "Better?"

He blushed darker and he nodded.
Oliver Williams wrote:
"well im not saying you specifically, also i only said that to get someone to talk to me" he smirked playfully and teasingly

"Well welcome to Trixie's, sir. Why don't you let me make you a smoked turkey sub sandwich? It's on the house."
He looked over and smiled "why thank you"
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

Charlie Kothinto wrote:
"Nevermind, like, 1 human. If Claude is here."

"Sorry cous. Alien here," Claude said then looked at Oliver. "Join yourself in some idle chatter, and the other partons might warm up," she advised.
Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Oliver Williams wrote:
He rolled his eyes when no one answered "figures humans." he grabbed a beer for himself

She frowns. "Wow... who is he calling human? There is like...1 or 2 humans in chat right now."

"And I'm a Marine. I'm like M1917, but better" He sent a gentle rib to the soldier
He looked over at claude "i offered to buy drinks for everyone, no one answered me"
Claude Cá Rô wrote:
Charlie Kothinto wrote:
"Nevermind, like, 1 human. If Claude is here."

"Sorry cous. Alien here," Claude said then looked at Oliver. "Join yourself in some idle chatter, and the other partons might warm up," she advised.

"Wow. We got a whole family of non humans. Cool!"
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

"Sometimes, it is dead and other times, it's not." Claude's eyes darted around in a swift pace before looking back at Oliver. "The talk of adventures often get people's lips loose."
He looked at charlie "well im a vampire" then looked back at claude "oh i have a ton of stories of adventures!"
"Do you drink blood? I know some vampires don't, for moral reasons, but if you do, we might have some blood based brews in the back. Papa likes to keep such things of standby for all patrons."
"i try not to drink human blood, i eat animal blood to keep the craving off, drinking alcohol helps, it doesn't make me drunk just takes the edge of craving it off" he nodded
Charlie nods, getting up. She stumbles a bit, still recovering from her mana over load, so she codes in a cane and heads to the back. After a few minutes, she yells back. "All we have in stock right now it pigs blood ale, is that ok?"
"oh sure!" he yelled back
She grabs a mug and returns with a mug filled with ale and places it in front of him. "If you need a top up, let me know. Papa said he was making something, so snacks might be available soon."
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

"Easy, Charlie. I can get it for you." Claude lets go of Oniyan's hand and goes for her cousin. Her beer can was on the floor, leaking the lukewarm liquid and foam.
*he grabbed it quickly, and sipped it "mmm
She smiles weakly. "I'm fine, cous."
He looked at charlie and frowned "whats wrong? is everything okay?" he stood up and touched her arm gently checking her over making sure she was okay
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

"Get some rest, will ya?" Claude says and looks at her spilt beer. She grabs a mop then picks up the beer can, tossing it into a trash can.
Charlie rests on the couch. "I miss Olivia."

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