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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

A digital portal opens and Charlie walks through carrying Olivia (in her human form) bridal style.
Rosario Bernardi (played by Jaws)

"Can't a girl worry about a old friend?" It was radio silence for a bit. Both of them knew what Claude wanted to say.
He followed Charlie through the portal and went straight to the kitchen.
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He followed Charlie through the portal and went straight to the kitchen.

(She came from DM's universe... how did he follow her through?)
Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He followed Charlie through the portal and went straight to the kitchen.

(She came from DM's universe... how did he follow her through?)

(Fair enough)
He walked through the door. It seemed that he was upset about something. He missed his son.
Charlie is standing around awkwardly carrying Olivia.
Olivia (played anonymously)

Olivia, however is having a good time being carried.
He sat out in the bar
Mother Maria (played anonymously)

Click-clack. The sound of high heels against the floor announce her arrival to Trixie's bar. She wore extravagant clothing that shimmer under the bar's light. Basically a move saying look at me.

The woman passes near Charlie and simply mutters a poorly done apology. In her possession now was a strand of hair she took from the demigoddess.
Charlie places a hand on the womens should, gently setting Olivia down. "You know, mortal... it isn't nice to steal someones DNA.... You might want to return that."
Mother Maria (played anonymously)

"Mortal? You said that like they are inferior to you." The woman pushed Charlie's hand off her shoulder. She turned around and looked at Charlie straight in the eye.

"Your hair is clearly a ritzy color that would fit a glamorous gown." The woman dropped the strand of hair on the ground and walked away.
"Considering the type of person you are to 'stumble' into a person to steal from them.. yes, I'd say you are beneath me." The stand of hair floats up into her palm, fading into her skin.
Mother Maria (played anonymously)

Mother Maria paused in her trail and simply giggled. She made up to the bar counter and spoke, "I'll order a coffee with enough sugar to make a man's teeth rot."

"Stealing from my daughter? No. I refuse to serve you. Please leave"
Now it's Charlie's turn to start giggling.
Mother Maria (played anonymously)

Mother Maria's face transformed into a ugly scowl. "I'll take my business elsewhere then." She phrased through the floor and left the bar, leaving behind stardust.
"I believe humans have a saying 'Actions have consequences', don't they? "
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

"And I'll make a fortune out of scamming." Claude sweeps up the stardust and places in a zip lock baggie.
Charlie blinks. "Claude, what the $@#%?"

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