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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

He simply went back to doing his business which was making some sausage.
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

"Spare me on the lecture on morals, cous. I pawned mine for cash a long time ago."
She frowns. "Hmm... Fine...."
"Where's your arm candy, Claude?"
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

"Ya know, I don't really know." Claude stashed the baggie in her pocket.
Charlie pouts near the bar. Currently, Olivia isn't here.

(makes me wonder.. do offline characters vanish, or like, just go immobile?)
((They fade away like a ghost lol.))
Jaws wrote:
((They fade away like a ghost lol.))

He would walk in with Piano standing on his shoulder with his paws on Oniyan's head. He saw Claude and went to her "Hi Claude. Say hi to mama, Piano!"

Piano jumped over onto Claude.
"Aren't you gonna kiss her, Oniyan?"
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

"There he is!" Claude leaned against the bar counter. "Hi Claude. Say hi yo mama, Piano!" She chuckled at that.

Claude held Piano when he jumped over to her. At Mathius' suggestion of a kiss, she raised a eyebrow at her uncle.
He leaned forward and pecked Claude on the lips which made the full-blooded Saiyan blush.
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

From the peck, a flustered Claude took over and gave him a kiss back.
Jaws wrote:
((They fade away like a ghost lol.))

(( im-out-roncfvv2zbpuh87u-1702889757.gif ))
Claude Cá Rô (played by Jaws)

twistedvictorian wrote:
Jaws wrote:
((They fade away like a ghost lol.))

(( im-out-roncfvv2zbpuh87u-1702889757.gif ))

((I'm laughing my butt off over here! That is what I thought of when typing that lol))
Claude Cá Rô wrote:
twistedvictorian wrote:
Jaws wrote:
((They fade away like a ghost lol.))

(( im-out-roncfvv2zbpuh87u-1702889757.gif ))

((I'm laughing my butt off over here! That is what I thought of when typing that lol))

((I can just imagine, like, Claude or Charlie kissing their SO, and they just fade away))
(( @Jaws,
I thought of it too when I read it, so I guess I sensed your thought LOL

Aww, @Opal ))
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

Gekiyaku could be seen in the background, fading in and out of existence while cackling loudly.
"Hey, this is kinda fun!"
Charlie stands behind Gekiyaku. "Hey, knock it off. I don't want to have to fix the hole in space time you'll make."
Claude Cá Rô wrote:
From the peck, a flustered Claude took over and gave him a kiss back.

He smiled with a Cheshire Cat grin. Speaking of cat, Piano laid as a loaf on Claude's shoulder

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