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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Shellingford (played by Jooters)

After cleaning up the broken glass and cleaning his hands with a handkerchief, he stands up.
"Uhm- Has anyone happened to see a hyena?" He asks. "About 6 feet tall, wearing skin tight leather clothing? His name is Patches, and I've been investigating him for weeks!"
Skara (played anonymously)

"I have not." Skara said, answering the Detective's question, "Why are you looking this hyena named Patches?"
Shellingford (played by Jooters)

"He's a criminal!" He exclaims. "Several accounts of thievery, murder, grave robbing, timeline disruption, messing up lore, and escaping prison! It is my job to find him and bring this villain to justice!"
Skara (played anonymously)

"Sounds like a worthy cause." She nodded in respect, "If I see him, I shall make it known to you."
Shellingford (played by Jooters)

"Thank you, ma'am!" He exclaims. "Please call the VDA- Votokyo Detective Agency, if you find anything! I will continue searching this bar, meanwhile."
Shellingford goes back to searching the bar, looking through his magnifying glass towards the ground.
A tall hyena then walks in, wearing round, onion like armor.
Shellingford (played by Jooters)

"YOU!" Shellingford exclaims, running up to the hyena. "Hello! I am looking for a hyena by the name of Patches! Would you- Wait..."
Shellingford examines the hyena's face. "Would your name happen to be... Patches?"
"Patches?" The yeen asks. "No sir! My name is Lapp! You must be mistaken, for my handsome mug would never belong to another!"
Shellingford (played by Jooters)

"Oh!" Shellingford says. "Apologies, sir! If you happen to find this Patches, please notify the VDA- Votokyo Detective Agency, immediately! We have been looking for this guy for weeks!"
"Will do!" The hyena says. "Oh! I actually think I saw someone by that name down the road, really! You should really go check that out! He might get away!"
Shellingford (played by Jooters)

"REALLY?!" Shellingford exclaims. "Thank you, Lapp! I will catch this villain if it's the last thing I do!"
Shellingford rushes out of the bar at high speeds, tail wagging in excitement to finally catch this man!
"Dumb dog..." Patches mumbled before squatting on the ground.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"We got more customers now, it means less time to prepare a show."

He said as he saw the two new beings in here.

"One is a dog, and the other too.."

Hyenas aren’t common from where he live, he assume that it is a dog too.

"Who is ordering what?"
Skara (played anonymously)

"Yes," She huffed, "Forget the Orc."
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Skara wrote:
"Yes," She huffed, "Forget the Orc."

"Hey! I’m not a-"

He interrupted himself and blinked.


He realized what he said but kept his calm still.

"Well, say what you want too."
Skara (played anonymously)

Skara nodded, "When the Dragonborn comes. Do you know that one?" She asked.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Skara wrote:
Skara nodded, "When the Dragonborn comes. Do you know that one?" She asked.

"Dragonborn? No, no i do not."

He bring her a beer in a mug, regardless.

"None of my stories have a dragonborn in it."
Skara (played anonymously)

"Thanks." Skara snorted, taking the beer and took a swig of it. Then she burped. Loudly.

Then she looked at Peewit, "It is a good song. Filled with heroes and dragons. You should learn it."
Patches laughed.
"How 'bout ya just be quiet?" Patches said. "I've always hated performances... Hurts my beautiful ears..."
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Cue Matt then entering the tavern, bored out of his mind. "Yeesh. It's been a while since I been here... And I think this place needs a little bit of decoration in case some holidays begin."


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