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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Meanwhille, he was grateful for Red Hood, he ate another apple and planted another seed, in hope to grow another tree.
If it grew, then, he’ll name it after this man.

The dollar bills intrigued him, he wonder if he could trade it?

Maybe for buying another musical instrument.

Or.. Who knows?
Tjut Hyle (played anonymously)

Tjut walked into the bar, seeming to be sniffing out the smell of meat.
"Where is it, where is it?" He said underneath his breath.
Red Hood (played anonymously)

Peewit wrote:
Meanwhille, he was grateful for Red Hood, he ate another apple and planted another seed, in hope to grow another tree.

The dollar bills intrigued him, he wonder if he could trade it?

Maybe for buying another musical instrument.

Or.. Who knows?

"I have another idea, Peewit. How about you grow apples for me for autumn and winter. I make alot of dishes. There's double-pay in it for you...."
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Red Hood wrote:
Peewit wrote:
Meanwhille, he was grateful for Red Hood, he ate another apple and planted another seed, in hope to grow another tree.

The dollar bills intrigued him, he wonder if he could trade it?

Maybe for buying another musical instrument.

Or.. Who knows?

"I have another idea, Peewit. How about you grow apples for me for autumn and winter. I make alot of dishes. There's double-pay in it for you...."

"For real? I will be paid more? It’s not a joke, huh?
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

Tolmeron wrote:
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
And then he would begin focusing his attention on another, unrelated but irksome fox as Azumi made silly faces in front of Tolmeron.

"Have you nothing better to do, creature?"

"Peace, Brother-Lieutenant. She is merely a precocious little creature. It is refreshing to see her in this state given how distraught she was during Mathius's absence..."
"Fair enough."
Tjut Hyle (played anonymously)

Tjut sniffed his way all the way to the kitchen doorway.
His wolf tail wagged when the scent of meat was even stronger.
His glowing blue eyes fell on the boy "Hello. Can I help you, son?"
Tjut Hyle (played anonymously)

Tjut stepped back, startled by Mathius. His ears slicked back against his head.
Oh shit, a human, or what he assumed was a human anyway.

"Uh, hello." Tjut spoke, his tone unsure. Was he speaking the human tongue properly?
Tjut sniffed the air again, "Er, do you have meat? I smell it."
Clumsy (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

He moved to the realm immediately, being too anxious with those customers.

Those blossom trees caught his attention, while outside of the tavern, he barely saw any trees with a single leaf on it.

But he love exploring, this soon-to-be-a-hero needed that.
Tjut Hyle wrote:
Tjut stepped back, startled by Mathius. His ears slicked back against his head.
Oh shit, a human, or what he assumed was a human anyway.

"Uh, hello." Tjut spoke, his tone unsure. Was he speaking the human tongue properly?
Tjut sniffed the air again, "Er, do you have meat? I smell it."

"Yes. Lots of it"
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

His day started pretty well, someone requested his services with the apples.

Deep down, he would love to eat 'one bit', aka, some products, apples are even better when it’s cooked.

He is pretty good at cooking too, but it may be difficult to serve more people at once.

But it’s probably not just humans or dogs this time..

He was still humming.
Tjut Hyle (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Tjut Hyle wrote:
Tjut stepped back, startled by Mathius. His ears slicked back against his head.
Oh shit, a human, or what he assumed was a human anyway.

"Uh, hello." Tjut spoke, his tone unsure. Was he speaking the human tongue properly?
Tjut sniffed the air again, "Er, do you have meat? I smell it."

"Yes. Lots of it"

"Could, uh, I have some?" Tjut's wolf tail was wagging, and almost drooling at the smell of meat. Tjut had to resist just pushing past Mathius to get to the meat he smelled. Tjut knew if he did push him, he'd probably get kicked out of the bar and wouldn't get meat at all, so he remained patient, sort of.
Alethea (played anonymously)

Alethea had ordered a huge beef steak and she only ate a quarter of it when she became stuffed. But then she couldn't help but overhear what Tjut said. She grabbed her plate and went over to Tjut, "If you would like, you can have this? I couldn't eat it all."

Then she offered Mathius a big tip for the beef steak.
Tjut Hyle (played anonymously)

Tjut turned his head quickly upon hearing Alethea's offer. His tail started wagging profusely and took the plate. "Ah, thank you, uh... whatever your name is." Tjut said, taking the beef steak off the plate, ditching the plate on the counter and started tearing into it with his teeth, eating at it like a wild animal. He was a half-wolf after all, so it made a lot of sense.
Alethea (played anonymously)

She giggled as she watched him eat, "You're welcome."
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

He returned in the tavern, observing the trees in the trees from afar.

"In comparaison, this tavern look.. Gloomy.."

He had no ideas that he could create a realm, althought many existed, way before he was even born.
Tjut Hyle (played anonymously)

Tjut was already almost finished, then he glanced up, pausing his eating to look at Alethea.
He realized he probably should eating more human-like, and so he looked back down at the meat and began taking smaller bites, trying to be dainty.
Alethea (played anonymously)

"I am Alea, nice to meet you." Alethea said to Tjut.

Then she saw the Dwarf enter. She always respected Dwarves for their genius and ingenuity. She smiled and waved at Peewit.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Alethea wrote:
"I am Alea, nice to meet you." Alethea said to Tjut.

Then she saw the Dwarf enter. She always respected Dwarves for their genius and ingenuity. She smiled and waved at Peewit.

He blinked by curiousity and waved back at her.

"I don’t think i met you before, or i did?"

He shrugged.

"I think the tavern is more calm, it’s better.."

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