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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

He gave an amused chuckle. Usually it would be him staring guys down over his daughters, but Drael seemed to be the one okay with his eldest daughter having a boyfriend.
"I don't get it." Fumizuki was of course, confused about what was so funny.
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

His suspicion cut loose when he felt someone staring at him. Kaiza whipped his head instantly towards Mathius before lowering his glare towards his empty mug. The burly bartender, Claude, refilled his mug with more root beer, and he muttered his thanks.
Fumizuki wrote:
"I don't get it." Fumizuki was of course, confused about what was so funny.

"Your cousin thinks he's handsome, and your Uncle Mathius has his dad instincts on an all-time high, sweet face"
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He was simply seated on the floor playing with his kitten.
Claude Mayday (played by Jaws)

"Don't she have a girlfriend? Olivia?" She had a unlit cigarette in her mouth. "Hey, Oni!" The cigarette dropped on the bar counter before she slipped into a cigarette pack. "Want a drink, baby?"
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

Claude Cá Rô wrote:
"Don't she have a girlfriend? Olivia?" She had a unlit cigarette in her mouth. "Hey, Oni!" The cigarette dropped on the bar counter before she slipped into a cigarette pack. "Want a drink, baby?"

He got up and went to Claude and kissed her on the lips "can I have an orange soda?"
Ewe (played anonymously)

Big was sitting in the corner of a booth seat, chugging a beer he had ordered.
Ewe was sleeping next to him, blissfully unaware of everything, as usual.

Big watched everyone in the bar with narrowed eyes, his wolf ears occasionally slicking back against his head, but overall remained quiet.
Every so often, he'd glance over at Ewe to check if he was sleeping, almost as if... waiting for an opportunity...
Claude Mayday (played by Jaws)

Claude narrowed her glare at Big but turned to kiss Oniyan back. "Coming right up, trái tim tôi!" She then poured a glass of orange soda with plenty of ice cubes and set in front of Oniyan.
Ewe (played anonymously)

Big kicked his boots up onto the table, drinking the last of his beer, before setting it down on the table.

Ewe stirred, but did not awake. Big noticed this, his wolf ear twitching slightly at the noise, but closed his eyes and crossed his arms, watching the bargoers again.
Claude Mayday (played by Jaws)

Claude jumps over the bar counter and walks around for a bit. She stops at Big's table. "Need a refill?"
He stood out in the bar just to watch what's happening
Ewe (played anonymously)

Big raised a brow, one of his ears perking up. "Nah, I've already had more than I was plannin' to."
Ewe woke up, squirming a bit, before rolling over onto his tummy and shortly after, sitting up. Ewe yawned, then looked at Claude. He waved softly and smiled, using his other hand to rub at his eyes.
Claude Mayday (played by Jaws)

Claude waved back at Ewe and smiled. "Alright, mister. Let me know if you need anything," she said before returning to behind the bar counter. Claude returned to wiping out glasses and scanning around the bar like a vulture.

"So, what is the deal with Charlie's crush on Horn Boy over there?" She whispered to her uncle.
"I don't know. I don't even know why I'm freaking out like this. It's not like they are together...."
Claude Mayday (played by Jaws)

"Calm your nerves. Ain't she already dating Olivia?" Claude pours Mathuis a glass of water. "Breathe, breathe."
He chuckled some "it's strange, that usually it would be your dad giving Oniyan a death stare..."
Claude Mayday (played by Jaws)

"My boyfriend wouldn't hurt a fly out of nowhere," Claude replied and wiped the bar counter. "We could use more of some craft beers."
Claude Cá Rô wrote:
"Don't she have a girlfriend? Olivia?" She had a unlit cigarette in her mouth. "Hey, Oni!" The cigarette dropped on the bar counter before she slipped into a cigarette pack. "Want a drink, baby?"

"In classic greek myth fashion, I'm polyamourous."
*Fumizuki has that intensely cute pouting expression that shows up whenever she's thinking hard about something.*

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