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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"Uncle Mathius and I can make some snacks as well."
"Why don't you go help him bake cookies, Fumizuki ..."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"I learn something about you Space Marines every time you are here," Claude commented and slid over Drael's quadruple expresso in her 30 & Flirty mug. She barely hid her giggling. "Would you like something, Vitrian? It's on house." She had stopped her giggling to ask.
He smirked after taking the mug from her. He sensed something different about Claude, but chose to ignore it at the moment.
Skara (played anonymously)

Skara finally got up the nerve and walked over to Drael, who was easily a head taller than her, "Your name is Drael, correct? I am Skara." She said, introducing herself before she asked, "I was wondering, how strong are you?"
Tjut Hyle (played anonymously)

Tjut was chewing on the back of a booth seat, scraping up the wood.
Skara (played anonymously)

As Skara waited for an answer, she noticed what Tjut was doing, "A little hungry are we?"
Tjut Hyle (played anonymously)

Tjut spat out a few wood shavings. "Huh?" He looked at Skara.
"Well, a bit hungry, but I'm just markin' my territory. This seat's mine now!" Tjut grinned, before turning his head to chomp onto the wood again.
Skara (played anonymously)

Skara had to laugh, "Very well, I shall respect your territory."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Tjut Hyle wrote:
Tjut spat out a few wood shavings. "Huh?" He looked at Skara.
"Well, a bit hungry, but I'm just markin' my territory. This seat's mine now!" Tjut grinned, before turning his head to chomp onto the wood again.

Azumi blankly stared at Tjut then proceeded to do the same thing near him, except it was so gentle to the point that she did absolutely nothing to the wood.

She then stopped and smiled like a little gremlin.

"Are you a yokai, my dear?" She asked "I am one at least. I am Azumi, a divine fox spirit!"
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren picked up Azumi by the neck, clearly distressed by her actions.

"Mom stop that!" Ren said "Mathius isn't gonna like that"
"Thank you, Ren. Azumi, please don't do that. Tjut, please don't chew on the booth"
Claude Mayday wrote:
"I learn something about you Space Marines every time you are here," Claude commented and slid over Drael's quadruple expresso in her 30 & Flirty mug. She barely hid her giggling. "Would you like something, Vitrian? It's on house." She had stopped her giggling to ask.

"Well what do you have?" The Space Marine Captain's interest had been piqued. "I would imagine that you probably don't have any of the food or drink items that are normally served in the Imperium."
Fumiko bursts in with a giant bag of gemstones from her mother.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"We got the best bartender and chef here," Claude said. "We can try our best to recreate whatever the Imperium has. Hey! No explosions or barges in the bar!"
Tjut Hyle (played anonymously)

Tjut stopped chewing the booth's wood. "I have no idea what a yoo-key is, so I guess not."
"I'm a wolf beastman! My name is Tjut Hyle."

Tjut stopped, because of Mathius, though he didn't want to and glared about it.
He saw Fumiko and instantly missed his children. He even missed Ren, Azumi's son because he loved the boy like a son.
Claude Mayday wrote:
"We got the best bartender and chef here," Claude said. "We can try our best to recreate whatever the Imperium has. Hey! No explosions or barges in the bar!"

"I suppose they wouldn't be able to whip up the synthetic amino-porridge that is the standard foodstuff for us Astartes?"
He rolled his eyes "I've made it for you before...."
"My apologies, Mathius. I was unaware of this."

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