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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Drael Chizkith wrote:
"Wulvenreign is in heaven, but you have Mytt, Soki, and Mathius as uncles"

"Okie." Fumizuki watched the antics of Zero and Kiyohime with bemusement.
Zero wrote:
Zero ran towards Kiyohime and dropkicked her. The heroic spirit ragdolled like one of those enemies from killer bean.

"I believe those are mine you stupid-"

Kiyohime then transformed into a fearsome dragon made of blue fire. Zero proceeded to run like a looney tunes character. For a Rainbow Operator with experience in the third echelon, one would presume he was capable of dealing with such a dangerous threat. Apparently, fighting heroic spirits was above his pay grade. The fire that the dragon was made of dissipated, revealing Kiyohime once more in all her idiocy.

"I'd make a better security guard than that man!" She bragged to herself.

" both know better. Now stop fighting"
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

MIlo lookeed at the chaos that was going on now, he drank his wine in silence
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

Kaiza simply watched the fight with amusement. "My clan often held fights in the courtyard of the compound," he said to Milo. "Like many others, I watched it from my room and some like Nabito straight up pulled up a chair to watch."
"That checks out. You seem like the type for that."
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

"Spectating or fighting? I have been a gladiator a few times." Kaiza said in between eating the bowl of trail mix.
He sat outside watching the moon quietly.
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

The sorcerer chuckled then asked, "Who doesn't enjoy a good fight?" Claude leaned against the bar between Tolmeron and Kaiza. "Anyone want to make a bet?", she said with a eager smirk. "I'll pass," Kaiza dismissively replied.
"No." Tolmeron was clearly not in the mood for conversation.
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

The Saiyan was sitting at a table with his kitten on his knee.
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

His phone rung and he picked it up immediately. A frown formed on Kaiza's face as soon as he looked at the screen. "Duty calls," he sighed and dragged his feet all the way out the door.
Kiyohime (played by Revereen)

Kiyohime was stuck listening to the Deer Girl Song. She did the exact dance seen in the link.

"Shikanokonokonoko Koshitantan!" She exclaimed gently.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi joined in the dancing as she went "Shikanokonokonoko Koshitantan" in the cutest way possible.
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He laughed watching Kiyohime and Azumi doing that dance.
Fumizuki is just relaxing, as always.
Eddie enters the room with Venom's head leering over his shoulder. "Eddie, they have Elder wine. I want Elder wine...

Eddie knocks on the counter lazily. "Can I get a glass of elder wine? And a coffee, please?"
"Certainly. You two want anything else?"
Venom shows his sharp teeth. "Meaaaat..."

Eddie sighs. "Do you have a raw steak or something?
"Of course I do. Beef? Buffalo? Elk? Venison?"

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