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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude turned to look at Fumizuki. "What ya need?"
Fumizuki shrugs. "Just here to hang out with you, big sister."
Claude Mayday wrote:
"Did you know that I was married twice?" She said to a random customer who responded with a drunkly shrug. Claude then laughed then continued wiping out glasses.

"Don't get any bright ideas about my daughter either. She's got someone, and he's a good boy" he said sternly to the customer
"For crying out loud, Drael......between you and Soki, I can't tell who the bigger grouch is. We'll if we're basing it off of size, you win."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Wanna see a trick?" Claude asked Fumizuki with a cheeky grin before grabbing a bag of snaps.
Jiji (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

A curious black cat went in the supposed bar,
He moved to the counter, jumped on it and blinked.

"Can i have some biscuits, please?"

He sit politely on it.

"And, also, do not speak to me the weird way, it’s odd.."
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"A magic trick?" He said tilting his head. Piano mewed at Fumizuki before climbing up on her and curling up comfortably.
"Sounds like fun." Fumizuki said as she petted Piano.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He sniffed the kitten in Fumizuki's lap and then sat in front of them wagging his tail. He would then climb up and rest his head on the kitten.
Jiji (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Hm, right, i guess it’s not really the-"

He interrupted himself to stretch immediately.

"Right place? I might try elsewhere."

He cleaned himself first for a little while.
Linda Danvers wrote:
Linda smiled and slowly ate the tastiest looking ice cream right in front of Noko.

One of Nokotan's antler prongs detaches from the ceiling and extends out like it's a tendril, and grabs the ice cream. Nokotan then nomfs the entire ice cream cone adorably, before her antlers return to normal. She then somersaults through the air, landing antlers first on the ground. Nokotan then starts spinning, her antlers acting like drills as she tunnels into the floor and disappears.
"Now that's just silly....."
Suddenly, the room fills with a dark gas, spreading across the floor. Out reaches a giant, five fingered hand made of stars and golden light. It slowly drags itself out of the darkness and the room's floor gets covered in water. The creature looks like a strange slug dragon, roughly the size of a bus.
"⍑ᒷꖎl𝙹 ℸ ̣he∷e ᒲortᔑlᓭ. ╎ ⍑ᔑ⍊ᒷ a ᓵ∷aviリ⊣ ⎓𝙹r ╎ᓵᒷ ᓵ∷ᒷᔑᒲ."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi is wearing the Igon armor set except it has been shrunken to accomodate her tiny form.

"CURSE YOU BAYLE!!!" She yelled. It seemed that she was not aware that this was the Elden Beast and not Bayle. Either way, there shall be a high chance that she would be swatted like a cockroach.
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Azumi is wearing the Igon armor set except it has been shrunken to accomodate her tiny form.

"CURSE YOU BAYLE!!!" She yelled. It seemed that she was not aware that this was the Elden Beast and not Bayle. Either way, there shall be a high chance that she would be swatted like a cockroach.

The beast turned to look towards Azumi.
"ʖᔑ||ꖎᒷ? ∴aᓭリ'ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣⍑ᔑt ℸ ̣⍑ᒷ we╎∷↸ dra⊣𝙹n ℸ ̣⍑ᔑt ℸ ̣⍑ᒷ ⎓orᒲer ꖎ𝙹∷↸ ⍑ᔑ↸ ᔑ ⊣ᔑ|| ∷ᒷꖎᔑℸ ̣╎𝙹リᓭ⍑i!¡ ∴╎ℸ ̣⍑ 𝙹∷ ᓭ𝙹ᒲᒷℸ ̣⍑╎リ⊣?" It said. "リ𝙹 ᒲᔑℸ ̣tᒷ∷. ↸𝙹ᒷᓭ ℸ ̣⍑╎s !¡ꖎᔑᓵe ᓭᒷꖎl ╎ᓵᒷ c∷eaᒲ 𝙹∷ リot?"

(great to see another elden ring nerd here! thought i was the only one lol)
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

Gekiyaku spawned into existence.
"Ugh... Eldritch gods and their enchantment table language!" She groaned. "You know we can't understand you, slug thing! Or at least, most can't, but I can!"
Gekiyaku cupped her hands around her mouth like a megaphone.
Other Characters wrote:
Suddenly, the room fills with a dark gas, spreading across the floor. Out reaches a giant, five fingered hand made of stars and golden light. It slowly drags itself out of the darkness and the room's floor gets covered in water. The creature looks like a strange slug dragon, roughly the size of a bus.
"⍑ᒷꖎl𝙹 ℸ ̣he∷e ᒲortᔑlᓭ. ╎ ⍑ᔑ⍊ᒷ a ᓵ∷aviリ⊣ ⎓𝙹r ╎ᓵᒷ ᓵ∷ᒷᔑᒲ."

"Welcome to Trixie's" He greeted the slug dragon as he would any other customer.
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Azumi is wearing the Igon armor set except it has been shrunken to accomodate her tiny form.

"CURSE YOU BAYLE!!!" She yelled. It seemed that she was not aware that this was the Elden Beast and not Bayle. Either way, there shall be a high chance that she would be swatted like a cockroach.

Takes Azumi's place. He has been itching for a fight lately, and him snarling at everyone was just evidence that instead of peace, he wanted problems. He is in the mood to choose conflict over compromise.
The beast looked down at Drael.
"... ᓭ╎∷, i ᔑᒲ a ⊣𝙹↸ sᒷ⍊eraꖎ ℸ ̣imes ||o⚍r si⨅e."

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