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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"Holy crap! Theo! I saw Eddie Brock and Ven.....oh, there they are!" He started waving like a goof
Andrew Rhodes wrote:
"Holy crap! Theo! I saw Eddie Brock and Ven.....oh, there they are!" He started waving like a goof

Venom's head appears by Eddie's "I like the one in the black armor. Cooler than Tttttttheo...."
Linda Danvers wrote:
"Venom, be nice." Linda chastises.

Linda gazed admiringly at Theo, struck by the sheer awesomeness of his armour. "Yep, just plain cheese. Love that armour by the way, it looks so cool!" she remarked. With a warm smile that could brighten any room, she then offered him a slice or two of cheese.

"Thanks." Theo mumbled quietly as he accepted the slices of pizza.
Venom or Eddie Brocker wrote:
Venom's head appears by Eddie's "I like the one in the black armour. Cooler than Tttttttheo...."

"I'm right here, you know."
Venom chuckles. "I know."
Jonesy Reyes (played anonymously)

"Oop." She said, covering her mouth with her hand. Jonesy then turned in her seat to look at Claude. "I might have to steal you for my club."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Steal me then," Claude said with a smile and served Jonesy a glass of cherry limeade. "Fresh batch just for me? I might blush." Claude howled with laughter then managed to spit out, "Anytime, Jonesy." She went to serve other patrons at the bar counter.
((I thought Jonesy was a guy?))
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

((Exactly, was lol.))
Miele Dolcezza (played anonymously)

Miele ran into the bar and slammed the door closed behind him, his sunglasses on crooked and his hood off. He was out of breath, had he been being chased?
Outside the bar, shouted paparazzi and clicks of cameras. Miele attempted to keep the bar door shut, but wasn't doing a good job. "Someone, help- " Miele begged, no one specific, but someone in the bar nonetheless.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Miele Dolcezza wrote:
Miele ran into the bar and slammed the door closed behind him, his sunglasses on crooked and his hood off. He was out of breath, had he been being chased?
Outside the bar, shouted paparazzi and clicks of cameras. Miele attempted to keep the bar door shut, but wasn't doing a good job. "Someone, help- " Miele begged, no one specific, but someone in the bar nonetheless.

Azumi appeared out of a puff of smoke and smiled. Every time she saw a child in need, it reminded her of how needy her little Ren was.

"Hello dear child!" Azumi smiled "What seems to be the problem?"

It seemed the fox spirit was quite oblivious to the army of paparazzi stationed outside the bar.
Miele Dolcezza (played anonymously)

Miele noticed Azumi and he gestured quickly at the door with his head, "Please, there are paparazzi outside, please hold the door shut until they leave me alone!" Miele said in a soft, but panicked voice.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi was surprised Miele would ask her of all people, a small and lithe fox spirit, to try to hold the paparazzi back with sheer strength. She then thought of a wonderful idea.

"Oh I know what to do in the case of paparazzi! I've had swarms of fans coming to my home just to pet me and fluff my soft tails and I have just the thing for that!" Azumi smiled.

She casted a spell on him. It was an illusion spell. To the paparazzi, it would seem as if he was totally invisible. To Miele, it was as if nothing happened. Azumi winked at Miele before shapeshifting into a cardboard box in an attempt to hide from the paparazzi as well.
Miele Dolcezza (played anonymously)

The paparazzi bursted in, looking for the young actor, but was disappointed to not find him. Eventually, they all left the bar, leaving it in silence once more.
Miele blinked, "What did you do?" Miele asked curiously, taking his crooked sunglasses off and placing them in his bag, since they were unneeded now.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Hm? A simple illusion spell" Azumi said gently as she shapeshifted back into her true form "You seem to be a celebrity of some sorts, huh? I am Azumi, the bassist of the band Suburbanites! It is nice to meet you, dearie!"

She wagged her tails gently to show her nature as a benevolent fox spirit.

"By the way, have you heard of us? We're quite well known in Hill City, I'll have you know!"
Yin (played anonymously)

What was with all those people? He pondered in his mind, opening the door to the bar and entering, crimson eyes scanning his surroundings once inside.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Welcome to Trixie's." Claude was wiping out a glass.
Yin (played anonymously)

Yin looked across the room and smiled awkwardly at the bartender. Things were different in this realm or at least he was different. Walking over he took a seat at the bar.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"So, what can I get ya?" Claude walked over to him and leaned against the bar counter. "We got food and drinks like always. My uncle hasn't posted the specials today yet, so I can't answer any questions about that."
Venom or Eddie Brocker wrote:
Andrew Rhodes wrote:
"Holy crap! Theo! I saw Eddie Brock and Ven.....oh, there they are!" He started waving like a goof

Venom's head appears by Eddie's "I like the one in the black armor. Cooler than Tttttttheo...."

"But Theo is cool too, Venom"
"The specials today are burgers made with beef, elk, Buffalo, or venison"

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